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Community Answers

  1. Hey and good afternoon is there any way to open more than 3 boxes on this server server has Script Guard protection it was 5 boxes but admin made it 3 any suggestion?
  2. I am playing on this server: L2Gold.cc and he has secutiy on start before log to the server when you have more than 3 windows p.x if i have 4 windows the 4th windows never connect to the server Can anyone have a solution or a tutorial to follow cause sandboxie and hwid changer didnt help me a lot Ty in advance
  3. L2gold.cc
  4. Sorry for my bad english and ty for your respond
  5. Hi guys i am now playin on a server with 3box limit can i have some help with this I wanna use 4-5 boxes
  6. Whats your opinion about this guys ? https://prnt.sc/g7m6lf
  7. hello everyone i used to use a lot l2lige on my previous pc that it was with windows 7 now i changed the pc and i have windows 10 i cant use it right now cause send an error that i dont have a D: disk my pc have only one pc but if i insert a usb the disk goes to F: is their any version for l2lige for win10? i want some help ty in advance
  8. Ty bro for your help
  9. Hello there i want some help to edit one skill on skillgrp.dat the skill is the arcana power i want to make it like malarias as debuff i know what id is but i want some help BTW the id is --> 337 1 3 36 -1 0 0.00000000 0 icon.skill0337 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 tell if you have any option i will apriciate it
  10. See the video as i believe this is a custom interface i was looking for smth like that months now i have search it a lot can someone help me to find it or if he have to give to me? Ty if you have smth for me
  11. Hello everyone today we discuss to open our recruitment as Clan/CP Some Informations from us: Clan / CP name: StoppedZone Clan Leade:r Stoppy Clan members: 1CP Clan Info about servers: Mid Rate Only Recruits: ON Currently Playing: http://L2.BnB.Gr/ Website / Forum: http://stoppedzone.com/ Recruiting Requirements Be online minimum 5-6hours If someone needs to join our CP / Clan please pm me on this forum to discuss! Cheers Okay P.S:If you dont wanna play more than 5 hours plz dont event try it
  12. I love your work gl to your project I hope the server beat the best
  13. Apo tin stigmi pou mou to esteiles arxisa na psaxnw den vrika tpt mia wra tra thelw help
  14. Kai pou mporw na vrw ta textures tis apelas?
  15. ty gia thn simvouli alla den voithas auto to xerw to pws na to editarw ine to thema pou den to exw me tpt
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