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Everything posted by Anghel

  1. very good share Kelin... just a notice.. on DUSK shield.. Shield is not an armor .. in lineage 2 shields are considered as weapons.... {Paladin,Dark avenger,etc use em for attack} ;) just a small notice :P also an update with a custom glow for example would be nice :P to sum it up.. Gratz ..and thx for the share :)
  2. yeah....c3 ^^ ... afta eine.. to l2 sta kalitera tou.... meta ..ta c4 packs ta opoia eitan arketa stabel... meta oposleei kai o gandalf..Ct1.5 veveos .. pio stable apo IL kai fewer bugs
  3. Afanoulis.. simfona me tous kanones tou forum ...apagorevete i dimosiefsi Warez pantos eidous sto forum... tha eitan kalitero lipon..na vgalis to link gia to navicat..mia kai sigoura gia na exis link to exis cracked.. ara WareZ..afou den eine free / open source program... kai gt na min kanei file jossoo? mia xara eine .. :D
  4. ahm.. souldnt this be in client mods? since its a client modding tool? nice share anyway..thx..thtsa alot easier than opening sysmsg-e and editing yourserver :D
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=26411.msg178686;boardseen#new Velvet_revolver... spamming...clear..spam..
  6. dont click..there...lalalal GIA TOLMA!!! PS. etsi mpenei... :D :D :D [*url=.....l...i...n...k].....k..e..i..m..e..n...o[*/URL] :D :D :D {xwris ta ***}
  7. Nice job mate... also teh scripts are working 100% :) thx btw what does the .exe do??? i cant understant... as i saw.. it just CALLs default.bat ... to be used for the script... does it do anything else? xD PS. useless for me..but extremely usefull for new users i can say.. since some get confused in the differences between every packs db...but this helps em out.. ;D
  8. texnika to 1on eine axreiasto..gt A)to client opos kai to ini doulevoun se kathe pack anexeretos rev kai team B)ta portoparathiria tou router {ports} episis den kitan ti pack exeis kai apo pou.... kata ta alla eine opos ta leei o gamezone to ini to allazis me fileedit. kai ta portoparathira anigoun an valis tin ip tou router sou se ena explorer opos px o Opera o firefox. kai apo eki tis orizeis..
  9. to mialo sas kai mia lira.... XD tha sou pw esena oti veveos kai ginete :P arkei na mathis me ti tropo eine Kryptografimena .... Episis GameZone ..eine thema me sxesi tin DB kai to develop ..kai to SECTION eine swstotato ..kai to topic kali erotisoula eine :P
  10. Nice...but post some ss first to see what we get... downloading and then regreting is highly annoying
  11. akou spammer... A)to site afto eine entelos diaforetiko apo to proigoumeno... B)to section edw eine oloswsto gia sites.... @throzen : ti le re throzen se poiase mania?? wrea doulia kanis omos maresi.. :) pramati ta site tou doulevoun ola ok...
  12. souvlakia tha pseni..... ti na to kanei re to pack?? to pedi theli C4 server... kai poli kala kanis..file mou..an kai den mpeni polli kosmos eine arketa stable omos :)
  13. A) exei gini ksana share to sigekrimeno mod.. B) Eise se lathos section... prosexw pou kaneis post afto eine client mod...
  14. SPAMMING!! link : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=25908.msg173822;topicseen#quickreply
  15. At last.... thx mate .... i like that kamael One :o
  16. na ftiaxis monos sou ... ama psilovariese profanos kseris... A)tha eine entelos diko sou ..ara den tha kanthese na psaxis ta bug tixeou shop B)diskolo ligo na vroume gia C4 aftaaa tha sou ekana egw.. alla den exw katholou xronw atm sorry
  17. kai pali to ucoz ..den axizei.. ektos tou oti exi mikro subdomain...
  18. MOU ti dinei tragika sta nevra o tropos me ton opoio wrizeis to guide... an mporouses na to kanis ligo pio evanagnosto tha itan kalo guide! filika ~Anghel PS. prosopika protimo host se eteiria me diko sou domain ..gia sigouria.. kai gia na exis diko sou full elenxo.. or host se pc diko sou me full access .. kai oxi tis vlakies tis Ucoz :D
  19. prostixos - Pk_Lover {ponirouli} :P
  20. comedy - meet the parents {deite to ..trelo gelio....}
  21. koufo???? lipon file lokisdio afto pou zitas eine san client like thing dld pou aofou tha eine apo system ..ara apo client tha mporouse o opoiosdipote na to kani kai na kani enchant 100% sto server .... an thes exploit gia afto.. gt afto pou les mono meexploit kai ama ginete... allios apla file mou pigene apo to pack sou mesa kai allaxe to ... elpizw na katalava swsta kai na voithisa.. filika ~Anghel
  22. free2go - Whats up? {wind - cosmote} xD
  23. min kanis Double post .. apagorevete.. .mporouses na kanis edit to proigoumeno post sou....
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