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About Rypss

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  1. Hello. We can exchange your WMR/WME/WMZ to PayPal money or PayPal to Webmoney. Skrill can be used too. Exchange rates depends on amount. We can go first with only trusted members. No refunds are available. For more information you can contact here or skype l2freaks
  2. Hello. I want to introduce new service. I am trading Adena in Lineage II to skins, keys, cases in CS:GO. Price is negociate, we will discuss about skin worth and exactly adena price at the moment. Servers list where i can offer adena: L2 Classic Skelth L2 RU Classic Gran Kain L2 RU Classic Shillien L2 RU Official GOD servers (from Airin to Lancer) Classic Talking Island x3 RPG-CLUB x7 Asterios.tm x7 PlayDefo x30 lineage2dex.com Wrath x5 If server where you playing is not on the list you can contact me and i will try to help you as i can. Also adena can be sold for money (all payment methods) Feel free to hit your offers in PM or skype l2freaks
  3. WTS 57 lvl Sorcer on Skelth! 57.50% Male Good name 300 pvp Ghoul's staff (122 m.atk) C set ( B boots + FP helmet ) C jewelry +15 Dyes 20 day subscribe Account goes with mail Accept all payment methods also can trade for CS:GO skins! Price will be very low! Skype l2freaks
  4. WTS Adena in Talking Island x3 Big stock Nice price! skype l2freaks
  5. Limited offer: Adena 1kk - 4.5E 10kk - 44E!
  6. Hello. WTS Adena,chars on asterios.tm x7 Big stock skype l2freaks
  7. WTS Adena on rpg x7. 21kkk in stock add skype l2freaks if u r interested.
  8. WTS Cheapest adena/chars L2 Skelth

  9. 45,46,40 Archers on sale Adena big stock. discounts from 5kk. skype l2freaks
  10. BD 47 full C adena 1kk 8 euro interested? skype l2freaks
  11. WTS 4 chars: 1. 44.5 Level Elven Elder Female 27 days sub 2. 45 He 20E Female +dyes 27 days sub 3. 46 HE 50E Male +dyes 27 days sub 4. 40 lvl Assasin 20E Male 35 days sub 5. 41 LVL BD 30E Chars legit, never botted. Can be with D/C Equipment aswell. I am giving all infos +mail too. VERY CHEAP! skype l2freaks for more info
  12. Hello guys, new party arrived and i want to introduce chars which we are selling (SOLD / STILL ON SALE) : all sold Adena 1kk 10e All characters can be naked aswell. Accounts including original email, characters never used 3rd party software before. We are full responsible of things that we want to sell.
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