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Everything posted by XavierLasza

  1. What you think by private works?
  2. I understand to you, why you not trust me... But its ok :-)
  3. So, if sunrise based on l2j.. Its ok - sorry :-) But tell me, why iam scammer? :-) Im new there.. Yes.. its true about my lost time in L2Spring. I was in L2Spring Team. Its not secret. But after some weeks L2Spring closed and I started to developing new core and new datapack. Its not secret too. :-D I was work with RobikBobik on L2Spring, but his work is shit..so, thats Why I created L2jMoon. Currently now I have 6 customers and all is working. Im doing custom features for my customers. So, Im not bad. You can write to MiguelS = RobikBobik :-D
  4. but i dont see anythink about liying... :-D tell me what is false ?
  5. it saying member whos created account yesterday...
  6. Update #2 Core: * Improve for TvT event Engine * Improve for Ctf event Engine * When you enter to world it broatcast some effects / you can configurable the effects * Small typo in Sel Mahums Trainings grounds Ai * Fixed for Beleth Clones Engive Ai * Improved new Donate Board for donates players Datapack: * Added new design for CB * Added new htmls for Donate Board * Added new options in Donate Board for Shop and Premium Accounts * Added new event Bike Racing Day * Fixed wrong npc type in Ctf and Bike Racing Day * Improve npc stats for Fake Players AI * Small correction in 3rd Pailaka. Wall-Hack fix News: * Donate Board in Community New Config: * Fully configurable Donate Board
  7. next russian rework :-D
  8. Hello, thanks you. About core.. our core is based on l2jserver, but we have different formulas for skills, stats. Our core is more stable than L2jserver and datapack is working like Hi5 off. On example...L2jdp have not done Crystal Caverns, there still missing some features. We have done it with all correct spawns, animations and AI. About new npcs... Maybe in future I will add some custom npcs like donate, teleport, gm shop and some services.. thanks for good idea. Captcha can be implemented and invidivual system.. yes, can be too implemented. Thanks you for testing our server.
  9. Uploaded test version on first topic.
  10. Implemented new language system, you can configurate all languages !
  11. Hi, sorry for long wait for answer. I see it now :-D.. Our project is based on l2jserver, but our performance of core is perfecr and complete works in 99 percent like l2off. About customs... board is really custom.. soon I will post screenshots, now im working on Donate shop. Quests are working with instances like L2off and Hi5. Stats are retail like. Security agains decompile is working. Soon We will post test version with not limitation about works!
  12. Hi guys. Our core is not built on any source of what was sold. So I do not understand why there spamming some teams do not even know what. Our core is built based on L2J team. We have worked hard so that we could start selling it. Thank you for spoiled awakening and get up to work. I love you ♥ :happyforever:
  13. Update #1 Public Why PUBLIC? Because all previous updates was in private workspace and we dont need to publish them. Core: * Improve for Quest States in Quest section * Improve for Quest Rewards XP/SP - in future will be moved to config * Improve for Quest Rewards Items - in future will be moved to config * Fix GeoEngine in Spawn * Fixed message "incorrect target" when you casting magical Skill for make damage on target * Improve for Configs. Added @Retention and @Target in to the configs * Now configs file way is in @ConfigFile * Improving for Quests - Seven Signs Series - Core support / fixed bad Ai Datapack: * Fix for some skills where used elements * Fixed null point in Crystal Caverns * Fixed Baylor Ai, now Baylor not stuck! So, players now be happy :-D * Random Spawn implementations * Fixes zones - Valakas Lava, Jail and Blazing Swamp * Buff shop handler now working * Updated text style in Community Board * Improve for Party Matching (In Community Board) * Improve for Auction Items (In Community Board) * Fixed redundant throws * Improving Java 8 * Fix for bad HTMs file in by-pass News: * Now translation is avaible in our pack, you can select in all world langs, just admin need to set it. Coming News: * All Quests will be configurable in config file.
  14. Thanks you mate! Soon I will upload screenshots
  15. Hello, someone can help me with obfucastions ?
  16. Hello, we looking for testers for java Freya project. We have full java source code created and now we need to test it. No more .py files. If you want to test our code. Just add me on skype: xavierlasza598 Thanks for helping
  17. Thanks for you tip. Im going to change the geodata price.
  18. First topic updated: * Added website * Added what you buying
  19. L2jMoon High Five Project L2jMoon High Five emulator is based on Java 8. Download Test Version: Download HERE What we offer: * FULLY retail like pack with customs mods and some useful features. * Stable core up to 5000 players without problem! * Datapack works are retail! * Retail formulas! * All static data moved from SQL to XML part! * Professional editor XML files IN GAME ! NO MORE using notepad and reloading commads ! * Good support on skype and email, fast answers and communications ! * REALLY, really working multilang system for all langs in the world. Examples: Br, Ru, Cn, Jp, De, Pl, Cz, Eng, Ro and more ! * Easy installation on server ! Features - Events: * Capture the flag * Fishing Tournament * Champions mods - Easy and Hardcore * Killing reward after kill RB. It show chat window + reward * Lottery * Pc Bang * PvP color system with custom title and colors * Change XP, SP in week due event day ! * Strider racing day * Classic Team vs Team * Wedding system * Fake players system - recommend for starting servers * Droping Adena count by lv of monster * Vote Rewards Features - Customs: * Classic banking system * Warehouse sorting * Equipment price by the grade * Show online players + fake players * Critical announces - Raid killed, log in Gm, Hero, Castle lord * Custom enchant. Set how much + give one enchant * Buff shop, set WTS buffs * Party Matching in Community Board * Item Auctions in Community Board * Item drop search * Premium System * Newbie players bonus like: Buffs, items, start locations, title etc... * Offline Trade WTC, WTS, WTB... * ANTI BUFF protection * Configurable AI for Raids, Instances, Monsters... Features - Security: * Basic anti bot protection * Anti Over enchant limit ! Features - Datapack: * All quests done * All instances working and new instances from Gracia Final working too! (SoI, SoD) * All instance monsters, raids are reworked to High Five stats * Skills, items, stats working * Prime Shop *** and more Price: * 60Euro - Included support, private svn, updates Or contact us on our skype: xavierlasza598 ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ Screenshots ------- video ------- Others ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ Strider Race Event https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jhm8N6pIBTA BuffShop - like WTS buffs in private store sell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwDErMm3wEw Premium Account System https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Cd7WWeyDbY ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ Updates ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ Update #1 Core: * Improve for Quest States in Quest section * Improve for Quest Rewards XP/SP - in future will be moved to config * Improve for Quest Rewards Items - in future will be moved to config * Fix GeoEngine in Spawn * Fixed message "incorrect target" when you casting magical Skill for make damage on target * Improve for Configs. Added @Retention and @Target in to the configs * Now configs file way is in @ConfigFile * Improving for Quests - Seven Signs Series - Core support / fixed bad Ai Datapack: * Fix for some skills where used elements * Fixed null point in Crystal Caverns * Fixed Baylor Ai, now Baylor not stuck! So, players now be happy :-D * Random Spawn implementations * Fixes zones - Valakas Lava, Jail and Blazing Swamp * Buff shop handler now working * Updated text style in Community Board * Improve for Party Matching (In Community Board) * Improve for Auction Items (In Community Board) * Fixed redundant throws * Improving Java 8 * Fix for bad HTMs file in by-pass News: * Now translation is avaible in our pack, you can select in all world langs, just admin need to set it. Coming News: * All Quests will be configurable in config file. Update #2 Core: * Improve for TvT event Engine * Improve for Ctf event Engine * When you enter to world it broatcast some effects / you can configurable the effects * Small typo in Sel Mahums Trainings grounds Ai * Fixed for Beleth Clones Engive Ai * Improved new Donate Board for donates players Datapack: * Added new design for CB * Added new htmls for Donate Board * Added new options in Donate Board for Shop and Premium Accounts * Added new event Bike Racing Day * Fixed wrong npc type in Ctf and Bike Racing Day * Improve npc stats for Fake Players AI * Small correction in 3rd Pailaka. Wall-Hack fix News: * Donate Board in Community New Config: * Fully configurable Donate Board
  20. Hello from India. Good luck with project !
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