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Everything posted by fdLP.

  1. yeah i remember them... Kamael right? L2Kamael much? or too hardcore?
  2. hahaha i am pretty sure they simply find a word and put the L2 characters before the word and BOOM! you got a server name :D. soon: L2Array L2Map L2Final L2InstanceOf etc..
  3. yeah i do! Someone from this forum while we were both playing a L2 INT server suggested me that name and i found it cool enough to change it...
  4. f4ck, i remember someone named Mafia007... it was a username i had at a time right? meng i had really forgotten it all these years... i only remember vent00za and fdLP.
  5. what is anime? what is Lineage2 GoD? i left when it was Interlude and i can assure you it was bloody amazing!
  6. your last post was 10 minutes ago and you bumped it? are you on drugs or something?
  7. even a shitty computer can run a lineage 2 server... the possibility to really open a lineage 2 server lies if you plan to open your server on your home pc... if so... then run!
  8. 1: Most Popular User : - 2: Funnier User : - 3: Active User : `Romeo 4: Spammer : - 5: Top Shares : - 6: Most trolling : - 7: Most Hated : - 8: Most loved : your sis - tell her i called 9: Most Missed : Maxtor 10: Most loved moderator : -
  9. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=2698.0 ultra bump
  10. argh.... you should have written your post better there ;)
  11. You are the damaged here by lying to death just to get some extra people on this crappy-not-that-innovated-server. First of all, you are using L2J Files and especially L2JFROZEN FILES! Secondly, you can really check if a server runs OFF files by creating a mage and casting a skill, then if the server is OFF the BSS client effect should appear after the skill has been CASTED and not BEFORE! In this crappy server the BSS client EFFECT appears before the skill has been CASTED! Learn at least to lie or if you were clever enough you could create that effect at least to make some people believe that the server is running OFF files by modifying the doCast(@params) function inside L2Character.java class.
  12. nobeo robeo :gusta: :gusta:
  13. 50 :rage: :rage: :you serious?: :lied: :happyforever: :happyforever: em... 20 :D :poker face:
  14. First you gotta select a language which you will use to code the login system. If you haven't picked a language yet, choose PHP. Does your forum communicate with your L2Server database in order a user to log in/register? Please explain better. The way to code it is by adding a form(easiest) using POST method, using 2 input fields(username-password) and a submit button. You then POST to an another PHP file or in the same file that the form is and you check via PHP & MySQL whether that user exists and if the user exists you then check if the password is the same as the username in the database(you first have to encrypt it vua base64 if i remember correctly, not sure check source code of login logic in your packet)
  15. if l2psycho is l2mid then its not l2off but l2j. why do ppl lie about these facts?
  16. pio fake sto zoom opws leei kai o @srbin dn yparxei
  17. Add or die(mysql_error()); into your code in order to get full explanation regarding the error you are getting from mysql so replace your query with the following code $chr1 = mysql_query("SELECT olympiad_nobles.char_name,olympiad_nobles.olympiad_points,olympiad_nobles.competitions_done,olympiad_nobles.class_id,class_list.class_name,class_list.id FROM class_list,olympiad_nobles WHERE ((olympiad_nobles.competitions_done >=1) AND (class_list.id=88) AND (olympiad_nobles.class_id=88)) ORDER BY olympiad_nobles.olympiad_points DESC") or die(mysql_error());
  18. of course the site works perfectly fine if you dont know were to watch and what to do... for plain english if you are a normal user who just want to do his/her job. What im pointing out is for Frank who should take care of this soon.
  19. Dude... http://pay2paid.com/page.php?pid=6 " http://pay2paid.com/page.php?pid=6' http://i40.tinypic.com/2z4ag5i.jpg[/img] http://pay2paid.com/page.php?pid=6+order+by+5-- http://i40.tinypic.com/swp7aw.jpg[/img] You really have to prevent SQL Injections by sanitizing the data being sent from $_GET and $_POST Arrays.... its really bad practice to put data directly to your SQL from a GET or POST request.
  20. δεν υπαρχει αυτο που λες... τα passwords μεσα στην db ειναι hashed και προφανως salted... εκτος και αν τα κανει encrypt και οχι hash αρα ετσι οπως κανεις encrypt το pass μπορεις να το κανεις και decrypt.
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