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Everything posted by raF

  1. Hello friends, I would like to know if there is any way to control the weather. I am not sure if its client or server related so if you can hint me. I want to make my game always sunny and clearly. Thank you,
  2. He was talking about l2appeal, I guess
  3. ItemID 16k ? I dont think so.
  4. Hello MaxCheaters, I would be glad if somebody help me to create a system, which nominates top 5 Players by PvP and reward them. After that restore PvP points to 0.
  5. I guess you should edit Formulas.java /** * Calculate delay (in milliseconds) for skills cast. * @param attacker * @param skill used to know if skill is magic or no. * @param skillTime * @return delay in ms. */ public static final int calcAtkSpd(L2Character attacker, L2Skill skill, double skillTime) { if (skill.isMagic()) return (int) (skillTime * 333 / attacker.getMAtkSpd()); return (int) (skillTime * 333 / attacker.getPAtkSpd()); } P.S. Do not listen SweeTs. Working on something different than aCis is time wasting. If you really want to learn something start working on aCis. If you get a customer rank you can receive better support and a lot of codes (for examples or ready to use).
  6. Ok but how to ignore the base status of the characters? Atleast the speed and atack speed must be fixed.
  7. Hello guys. Can somebody help me to create a new skills with can give a custom status to a player. No matter of equipment/buffs/classes, players with this skills must have 5000 hp/cp; 2k p/m attack; 1000 a.speed and so on. I hope u got the idea.
  8. Ok, but there is no doAio method in L2PcInstance
  9. Hello guys. I am using Service NPC and AIO System, both by SweeTs. The problem is that i can not add AIO as service. (1. & 2.) Here is the code, but I am missing the most important - doAio method. // AIO Items int aioItemId = 57; int aioItemCount = 10; else if (event.equals("setaio")) { if (!player.isAio()) { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(aioItemId) >= aioItemCount) { st.takeItems(aioItemId, aioItemCount); 1. // player.setAio(true); 2. // player.setEndTime("aio", 1); player.setTarget(player); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, 5103, 1, 1000, 0)); player.broadcastUserInfo(); return "AioServices-Success.htm"; } return "AioServices-NoItems.htm"; } return "AioServices-AlredyNoble.htm"; }
  10. With Instance i mean the NPC which will show the info. If I am right i have to do the following: 1. Create a new column in DB. 2. Create a task in L2RaidBossInstance.java / onDie method / which saves TOD. 3. Create the instance which will load and show the information.
  11. Remove onSpawn method.
  12. What if a make a new collum in RB_Spawnlist where time of death will be saved on "onKill" method and after that loaded by a new instance.
  13. if (getCastle().getOwnerId() > 0) { L2Clan clan = ClanTable.getInstance().getClan(getCastle().getOwnerId()); Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers(SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.CLAN_S1_VICTORIOUS_OVER_S2_S_SIEGE).addString(clan.getName()).addString(getCastle().getName())); + clan.getWarehouse().addItem("cwh", 157, 50, null, null); + clan.broadcastToOnlineMembers(new CreatureSay(0,Say2.HERO_VOICE,"Castle Manager","Dear players, there is gift for you in the clan warehouse"));
  14. if (getCastle().getOwnerId() > 0) L2Clan clan = ClanTable.getInstance().getClan(getCastle().getOwnerId()); ItemContainer cwh = clan.getWarehouse(); clan.getWarehouse().addtem I will test it in 30 mins
  15. How to spawn siege reward in clan warehouse. I know it should be here : gameserver.model.entity.siege.java public void endSiege() but I dont know how to make it.
  16. System message ID = 67 / S1_HAS_INVITED_YOU_TO_JOIN_THE_CLAN_S2 net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.clientpackets.RequestJoinPledge target.sendPacket(SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_HAS_INVITED_YOU_TO_JOIN_THE_CLAN_S2).addPcName(activeChar).addString(clan.getName()));
  17. I was searching for something like this in gameserver/network/serverpackets but found nothing.
  18. I am talking about this popup :
  19. Hello guys, I am looking for a raidboss manager which shows the death time of the raid boss. All shared are showing the estimate time of spawning. It would be enough even if u give me only the line for time of death.
  20. Here is the line u are talking about: if (!isBow && !target.isInvul()) My monster is using "BIGSWORD" type of weapon and I dont want to add it in this check and I dont want to change the type of the "BIGSWORD" to "BOW". Thats why I made new weapon witch is exactly the same as the old one but the type is "BOW". Did the trick.
  21. The idea is not to remove all the reflect damage buffs bcs of 1 monster.
  22. Hello cheaters, I got a really strong party monsters but they can be easy killed with damage reflection. How can I stop it only for this monsters ?
  23. and what about IG vote mangers ? Does they work properly?
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