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About xxxxOWNERPROxxxx

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    United States
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Community Answers

  1. unlock thread
  2. of course how do i sell on here without a thread LOL unlock my shit
  3. elfocrash got mxc mod so he thinks he is hot shit now and he can pretend to be human thats my problem
  4. no i dont care that he stole my shit its more like he reported me and the ridiculous urolagnic ape actually bought it and deleted my thread LOL
  5. yes he is leeching my files and our semen hungry friend is devouring his bullshit like the sick coprophiliac that he is while justifying the usage of dirty jewish methods the way its made is supposed to have the white/silverish highlights and the blue base can be changed into any color (red green purple etc) by his definition of 'reselling' the entire marketplace would be empty because they are selling lineage 2 related files which is property of nc soft. they are not the creator and are not authorized merchants of nc soft therefore they are reselling someone elses creation
  6. recently the following incident occurred involving the deranged coprophiliac and anal obsessed homo known as 'ave' when he came up ONCE AGAIN to try and scam my works like he did in the past. dont forget who made your armors : ). i also really liked how the videos you come up with is when you ONLY had it for human male fighter heavy and i made the rest also ALL of these weapons are MINE the cabal of greeks aka mxc mod team decided to side with the 3rd world ape man (i guess they are close allies considering both nations are very underdeveloped and have nothing to offer besides poland for sweeTs and behemoth and greece for xdem/access denied) despite that i proved that this is MY ORIGINAL WORK. i understand that you people may be jealous of me but this is undeniable proof of your wrongdoings since 'reselling' is not allowed, ave should not be allowed to sell my work : )
  7. instead of making this thread make my thing
  8. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/201753-dynastyicarusvesperfreya-weapons-for-interlude-xml/
  9. ...yes? itemname for description weapongrp for appearance/icon/stats
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