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Tessa last won the day on July 23 2016

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  1. Nah, they use the SpecialCamera packet there. I'm looking for info about ExPlayScene (Packet FE:5C on Interlude), it accepts an integer but I don't know what it's for... sending it to the client makes the whole screen blinking for some time.
  2. Thanks! It's for some other purpose then...
  3. Hello! Does someone know what is this file it's asking for? I can't proceed further without it... It's a file path, I suppose, but what this file should look like? I tried some random values using a text file but there are some specific params it's looking for. Never mind, I found this great post
  4. Can someone reshare the H5 system folder? The link is dead...
  5. Hello! Is there any data about cinematic scenes and animations somewhere in the game files, like names, ids, etc? There are some packets supposedly related to some kind of animations and scenes playing, like boss scenes and such. I'm not familiar with game development and I don't known what I should look for.
  6. Because of this, maybe... // CommunityBoardHandler.separateAndSend(htmltext, player);
  7. https://bitbucket.org/l2jserver/l2j-server-datapack/src/develop/src/main/resources/data/skillTrees/pledgeSkillTree.xml
  8. Just decompile the archive, there are a lot of tools for that. Hope you haven't used ProGuard or something like that.
  9. There is a memory leak in your code. ^^
  10. Create a new zone type (if none fits your needs) -> create a new zone based on the npc's coordinates on spawn -> add the zone to the manager -> remove the zone from the manager when the npc get killed.
  11. Maybe not a company, but as a team they probably have some requirements too. Otherwise there will be more crying "I got hacked, PHP sucks", etc. ^^
  12. So, quality doesn't matter as long as it works? I mean requirements like, for example, 1-2-10 years of exp, HTML5, PHP 5.6/7.0/7.1/7.2, Symfony (whatever version), Laravel, Angular 2, etc. Or such things doesn't matter?
  13. What are the requirements for web developers? Just asking... ^^
  14. Tessa

    forum is bad

    Yup, and you have one search engine for any website. ^^
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