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Everything posted by Vinter

  1. It's incredible that you've been running this for 7 years. Congrats on your resolve.
  2. 1. Get the latest best high five server pack. 2. downgrade to epilogue 3. ???? 4. profit
  3. Maybe, just maybe, I mean I might be going on a limb here, but if you actually showed us your script we could take a look and see what's wrong? idk man it's just a thought.
  4. A little tip for next time, if you want someone to actually help you, provide actual information. There are dozens of catpchas going around, and most use "photos." What you need to do in this case is post a screenshot of your captcha, and if possible the full HTML window code. (please, with proper CODE tags, it's the symbol "<>" avobe the text body when you post.) If we don't have this information, unless we download whatever system your server runs and create a character ourselves (which guess what I'm not gonna do) people can't help you. Do that and the people that would help you, will.
  5. Yeah np if you have any problems hit me up on PMs. I tested this on protocol 152 so it might not work on your version depending if the packets have changed or not. I also didn't make a buy store script cause I usually find myself doing it manually, but it can be easily modified to add buy store aswell. Again make sure you have the items in your inventory and that you have the amount or you're gonna send a bad packet to the server which might do nothing or straight up ban you right there and then. Also because the packet uses objectId instead of itemId, if you have 2 items that are not stackable (ex a +16 B grade bow and a +0 B grade bow) the script will pick the first one it finds in your inventory, so be careful about that too. I know pretty shoddy code but that's how I roll.
  6. uses SysUtils; function BetterInt32ToHex(input: Integer): string; var i, j: integer; p: string; bbI : array[1.. sizeof(integer)] of byte; begin p := ''; Move(input, bbI[1], SizeOf(Integer)); for j := Low(bbI) to High(bbI) do begin p := p + IntToHex(bbI[j],2) + ' '; end; Result := p; end; function StringToHex(S: String): string; var I: Integer; begin Result:= ''; for I := 1 to length (S) do Result:= Result+IntToHex(ord(S[i]),2) + ' 00 '; end; function OpenPrivateStoreSell(itemList: array of Integer; msg: string; packageSale: Boolean): boolean; var packet: string; i, j, t: Integer; l: Extended; item: TL2Item; begin packet := '97 '; packet := packet + StringToHex(msg) + '00 00'; //Print(packet); Engine.SendToServer(packet); packet := '31 '; // Packet ID if(packageSale) then packet := packet + BetterInt32ToHex(1) else packet := packet + BetterInt32ToHex(0); // Package Sale l := Length(itemList); packet := packet + BetterInt32ToHex(Length(itemList) div 3); for i := 0 to Length(itemList) - 1 do begin j := i + 1; t := i + 2; if(Inventory.User.ByID(itemList[i], item)) then begin packet := packet + BetterInt32ToHex(item.OID); packet := packet + BetterInt32ToHex(itemList[j]) + '00 00 00 00 '; // Max 2.1b packet := packet + BetterInt32ToHex(itemList[t]) + '00 00 00 00 '; // Max 2.1b end; i := i +2; end; //Print(packet); Engine.SendToServer(packet); end; begin OpenPrivateStoreSell([5591, 50, 5000, 5592, 50, 10000, 7575, 1, 50000000], 'message', true); end. Kinda old post I'm replying to but it might help someone else. Engine.OpenPrivateStore doesn't seem to work so I wrote this real quick cause I needed to use that function. OpenPrivateStoreSell(array of Integers (itemId, amount, price), string message, boolean packagesale); Price and amount are 32 bit, didn't bother making a 64 bit version of the BetterIntToHex function, which I'm so glad I wrote because it returns the proper formatting that Lineage 2 uses for it's packets. Also there aren't any checks like if you actually have the item in your inventory or the amount you are selling or if the adena you gain will go over the adena max (2.147b bit in interlude, 99b in gracia through h5, 999b in classic) so make sure you call the function correctly. If I fell like it I will add those checks and maybe some configuration ini or something but I don't think many people will need this script at all.
  7. They can have 100% retail like project but if I don't have the source, I'm not buying it because I don't wanna wait 1 month for some random russian to hotfix something I can do in 5 minutes.
  8. You'll probably find only buggy/incomplete Epilogue and Gracia Final files. I myself have been downgrading H5 to Epilogue for a while. PM if you wanna take a look
  9. Hello everyone, Vinter here. I always disliked both the petition system of Lineage 2 and the cryrage of forums, so I've decided to create an ingame ticket system. The goal was very simple: enable better communication between players and GMs using an intuitive system; And I think I've done it. Utilizing a NPC, or in this case a CB page, and a simple text write / read system using patterns and text detection, I've created a very simple to use system. Here's a video: Let me know what you think.
  10. It works by detecting the MagicSkillUse packet with the backstab skill id, and who's using it. That one specifically simply sends a MoveToLocation packet at the back of the user. It's kinda shitty in PVP to be honest, since players are usually moving around a lot (both by skills and clicking) and it only reliably works when you're standing still. I used to sell the better version using attackforce or a skill (hydro, wind strike, etc). Works way better. If you want to stop people from using scripts, either make a packet encryption system or buy smartguard or whichever's the one that stops Adrenaline. Getting an old version of lameguard or kasha won't do you much good, as both L2Tower and L2Net are pretty much dead. Most people use cracked adrenaline anyway, and those old antibots can't really stop it.
  11. Don't underestimate bored people with money.
  12. Hi. I'm offering my scripting services, Mainly L2Tower, servers like RPG-Club x7 still don't protect it. I don't have an adrenaline key to script on, but if I get enough job offerings for Adrenaline, I can purchase one. If it can be done ingame, I can script it. Heck, even things that can't be done ingame I can script ^_^ Some examples of my work, most of it is private though >.< Scripts are bound to your HWID. By purchasing a plugin/script you get 90-days of support aswell. I accept Skrill and PayPal. PM here on the forums or add me to skype: vinterl2tower
  13. With the coming of new and popular High Five and Gracia Final servers where, god knows how, tower isn't blocked, the race for pvp is here. Sometimes to beat the nolifers you have to get yourself a little support.. and here I am to offer that to you. The plugin has the following functions: 1. Anti Backstab 2. Anti Deadly Blow 3. Anti Lethal Blow 4. Anti Dual Blow 5. Fast Retarget 6. Anti Hide 7. AOE skill hide detection 8. Anti Fear (unstuck) 9. Anti Disarm 10. Anti Steal Divinity 11. Auto Pots (ww/haste/acu/souls/mental shield/instant haste) 12. Change other’s title to current class 13. Change my title to pvpcount 14. change my title to pvps since logged in 15. Remove undesired buffs 16. Remove celestial when using fullheals on me 17. Pause when hide is in use 18. Auto beast SS/BSS when summoning pet 19. Auto Buff Control every ~4:30 min 20. Disable SS on Betray 21. Auto Riposte Stance 22. Interrupt my target’s skills 23. Debuff landing message 24. Save/Load configuration 25. Pause System 26. Disable Visuals mode Note: The only functions that require L2Tower premium license are Remove Buffs and Change my title. All these function's explanation can be found inside this Google document. Accepting only Paypal right now, family and friends option. I will not send any files before full payment is completed. If you want to buy specific functions only, it can be done. For trial version and more information contact me on skype: vinterl2tower Suggestions? Post 'em down below or contact me on skype. Thanks.
  14. Watch in HD. Official server Shilen. screenshot of it working on RPG Club high five server. Accepting only Paypal right now, family and friends option. I will not send any files before full payment is completed. For more information add me to skype: vinterl2tower
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