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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Sorry mate, shit happens sometimes. I hope I could complete all the transactions now but I can't. I guess that tomorrow everything will be fine.
  2. Sorry for being late some times but as you can see paypal make a lot of checks in our accounts and systems. And that's why we have to apologise and wait for some days until everything is ok again. Anyway, we are trusted and you can still use our services, we will complete your transaction the soonest we can! Thank you, -Pay2Paid Staff
  3. I can make the transaction immediately. PM me with the PSC pins or fill our form in www.pay2paid.com . We are trusted and we have prooved that. Thank you
  4. Εαν μιλάμε για τόσο κόσμο τότε σίγουρα αξίζει η φάση, απλά στις μέρες μας είναι σχεδόν αδύνατο να βρεις άνθρωπο που θα δώσει 2000 ή ακόμα και 1000 ευρώ μετρητά για μια σελίδα facebook. Θα με ενδιέφερε γιατί είναι καλή διαφήμηση αλλά είναι πάρα πολλά χρήματα. Καλή συνέχεια
  5. It usually takes 2 hours max to make the transactions. Thank you for contacting us.
  6. Check this: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=228290.0 For more information, just PM me. Psomas will be away for some days.
  7. fdlp thanks for the report. I guess that everything is ok now. It is fixed.
  8. Sorry for being late mate. We had a small issue but now everything is ok. Thank you
  9. All transactions were made successfully. We had an issue with our bank and we've been late with some transactions, but from now on everything is ok. Thank you for using pay2paid.com!
  10. Hello everybody, I guess that topic's title sounds good. Well, I am looking for a skilled developer to build a huge lineage community. I prefer an l2off developer, since my plans and targets are quite big, but I won't reject a skilled guy on l2j development who can work excellent with java files. I will not say more things about the l2 project in this topic since there is no reason to make it public yet, so if you are interested in, just make a reply below or send me a PM. Remember, we (me and my staff) will pay you. So we won't discuss anything with wannabe developers but only with skilled guys who have proofs and have done things on l2j or l2off projects. If you believe that you join us, here is your chance! Thanks in advance
  11. Sorry for not announcing the winner yet, but the issue is quite serious so we all have to wait. If you want you can still make clicks anyway. Thank you!
  12. DBSK sorry for this post but I told you that this service won't be easy for you. Good luck at all.
  13. +1. Συγκεκριμένα το poker δεν είναι τζόγος. Αλλά μόνο και μόνο που το αποκαλείς έτσι τότε καταλαβαίνω γιατί έχασες.
  14. We have an issue with some clicks that seems to be not normal. We're checking this out, please be patient.
  15. bump! The event is still running guys! Keep on making clicks! Today one of you may win the 50$ PSC!
  16. Yes. Just click on the ads! About the event, I will give you one more day to make clicks and win the 50$ PSC! Keep on clicking people!
  17. Ads can be found everywhere in our pages. www.pay2paid.com -> You can find ads on the right. www.pay2paid.com/forum -> Under the 1st post or on the top of the page.
  18. Do you want to win a 50$ PSC? Join the pay2paid event for maxcheaters now!
  19. Hello, We decided to make a big event only for maxcheater's members today! Today one of you will have the chance to win 50$ PSC! [glow=grey,2,300]You can do it![/glow] 1) Register an account in our forum! 2) Click on google ads! 3) One man will win a 50$ PSC today! [glow=grey,2,300]How it works?[/glow] - The more clicks you make (per IP) the more chances to win the PSC! - Remember, you can tell your friends to click too in order to increase your chances to win! (Just tell them how to click on the ads and give me their IP/username with a PM. If they clicked you're increasing your chances to win!) - We don't give the PSC for free! You have to make clicks in order to win! You and your friends! - Event will end today at 00:00 GMT+2! - If clicks are lower than 100, the event will break down. For more information, do not hesitate to make a reply or send me a PM. Thank you, [glow=grey,2,300]-Pay2Paid Staff[/glow]
  20. 25 euros? nice price, you can buy a cookie.
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