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Everything posted by Amster

  1. Looks like the missing text problem is caused by an missing/corrupt SysString-e.dat from the system folder. Thats the file that contains all the text for the UI.
  2. Have u tried the L2Tool for UnrealEngine2Runtime? That usually does the trick for textures in the L2UI..
  3. Hi all. I couldn't find info on where to edit the texts of the tab's of the Community Board. So I wen't on the quest myself to find them, and I found them. It's easy when you know what to edit and where, so I felt like sharing this. First decrypt SysString-e.dat from the System folder. (If you don't know how, search the Maxcheaters forum!) And edit these lines to your wishes: 377 a,Home\0 379 a,Favorite\0 380 a,Add Fav.\0 382 a,Clan\0 381 a,Region\0 403 a,Memo\0 904 a,Friends\0 905 a,Mail\0 2257 a,Homepage\0 To show an example:
  4. We've launched the server! Happy fragging!
  5. I've added an "FAQ" post on the L2Noxious forum (under Guides \ Rules section). It has a link with a small explanation on how to apply it.
  6. If you're running on Windows 8, you need a small fix. Otherwise, try to use a clean Lineage 2 install, apply our patch, then start the Lineage II.exe from the main Lineage 2 folder and do Full Check.
  7. I found a very similair PSD of this websites. http://l2drugdealer.deviantart.com/art/PSD-L2Kydonia-498884288
  8. Rebuilding our Highrate has taken it's toll on Aria a bit, the development came behind the planning. As the current curve of player activity is maintained, then it would start to mean that Aria is only taking resources that aren't used. If Aria won't build up a player base, then it will be dismantled in 2015.
  9. Good thing that there are servers like L2Noxious that does not exploit a donation system.
  10. L2Noxious is not a corrupt server. Not enough crew to be able to be corrupt :dat:
  11. Our first Beta Program has launched. I had some technicle problems (burned videocard) that delayed the Beta start a bit. Check us out and Jump in! Please share your feedback with us so we can make the server even better!
  12. No, i don't have screenshots of them. :P You could come over and try to get them :)
  13. Then make a new topic for that discussion. With the current player stability (lets round it off to 0) there doesn't seem animo for lowrate.
  14. I dont remember Valakas and Antharas having an minimum. Weren't their spawnings triggered when someone enters via the crystal, then after X amount minutes it just starts?
  15. I never had this problem on High5. Maybe it's client sided? Which chronicle are you using?
  16. I don't think you can 'demand' something from an helping hand. :you serious?: Try asking nicely :D
  17. We have no aim here to make money. We have an aim here to make a game server to game on. We don't have any donations stores up for the lowrate server. Next to our Aria server we want to make a highrate server. But they will always be there. The idea of not joining a server because it MIGHT be gone next month, is just stupid and the reason it's stupid is explained by you already. This mentality creates an infinite loop. Low Rate -> Don't join! It might be gone! -> Server empty -> No reason to host the server -> Back to start. Server remains online for the coming months. The more people that will join, the more motivation the crew gets to continue developing. Next year I cannot promise, if the server remains empty for too long, then the fun is for me gone as well.
  18. L2Noxious is proud to present the re-opening of the Hallate Highrate PvP Server. In the last couple of months we have been working hard to reform the server to an Highrate PvP/Craft server. We know and understand that most players want to jump in to level 85 with the best gear possible. However, we believe the game must also meet some challanges. Rates Exp: 1000x SP: 1000x Adena: 500x Instant Level 85 We've all been Level 1 and leveled to 85, not once but multiple times. With such rates at these it's unneeded to level to 85 again. So upon character creation, you're immediately the max level! Player Creation Zone When you create your character, you enter a room where you can obtain your starting equipment. No need to farm before you can 'really' get started. Gears of Value Since S84-Grade has Low, Mid and Top Grade equipment, we've decided to throw in a little challange here. The S84 Low Grade equipment is easy to get (free when you start). To get the Mid S84 Grade equipment, you will need to kill monsters in the farm zones to get the item. Ofcourse, you can focus on enchanting drops and turn your Low Grade equipment in to Mid or even Top Grade. In order to get the Top S84 Grade, Epic Grandbosses need to be hunted and killed to get the top grades. Legendary Weapons In rare cases an epic boss might drop an Legendary weapon. The chances are very-very-very small it will drop, but the chance is there. If you can obtain this Legendary Weapon you can either become the strongest, or sell it and become the richest. Occasionally a monster might drop a splinter of the Legendary Weapon, which can be collected and then crafted in to a Legendary Weapon. The road to obtain is long, but definitely worth it. Enchanting Enchanting is a special thing, this counts for equipment, but also for your skills. The enchanting scrolls are not so very easy to obtain here. Some monsters may occasionly drop an enchantment scrolls, where Raidbosses and Epic Grandbosses have them in their 'standard' droplist, another way to get Enchantings is by winning PvP battles. Custom PvP System It's always awesome to kill a player and win the PvP battle. To even make it better, the PvP win will give you an actual usable rewarding. When you kill a player, you will receive his Incarnation Skull. When you have accumulated an certain amount of these Incarnation Skulls, you can buy Enchanting scrolls or other items from the PvP Manager. Next to the Incarnation Skulls, each PvP kill will obtain some RCS points. These points can be changed into items obtained from the PvP shop via the ''.pvpinfo'' command. Every day and months there are rankings held of the best PvP players on the server. Farm Zones Farming and Lineage 2 are like the left and right hand sharing the same belly. To get progress in your game, you can either PvP farm or Monster Farm. The easiest way is ofcourse the Monster Farm. Even though the first (and easiest) Farm Zone is a Peace-Zone, the other Farm Zones that drop better lootings, are war zones. Custom User Interface After years watching to the same old-fashioned brown user-interface, we felt it was time to make a change. Thus we've modded the user interface to a new look, color and feeling! More to come... BETA PROGRAMS: Open Beta: 01-12-2014 to 14-12-2014 Closed Open Beta: 21-12-2014 to 31-12-2014 Grand Opening: 01-01-2015 We hope to see you soon on www.l2noxious.com
  19. Ye, we never had an "1000 player" opening or something like that. For some reason it wont build up. Would be nice if a couple of clans would join to start a player base. So far no one who played on Aria15x has given negative feedback.
  20. We've currently a clan event running for new comings clans. More info on our forum: http://l2noxious.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=45 Edit 21-11: We are currently rebuilding our Highrate PvP server. We are looking for a few people who want to expierence the early stages of the rebuild. The prime target at the moment is to streamline the gameplay (namely the Getting Started part).
  21. L2Noxious Aria: 15x-xp, 15x-sp, 20x-adena High5 Chronicle www.l2noxious.com
  22. Try www.l2noxious.com :P
  23. L2NOXIOUS PRESENTS ARIA 15X L2Noxious presents to You the Aria 15x classic retail-like Craft/PvE/PvP server. We use the collective of resources known to the developing community to bring a stable, on-going development project to build a stable and long-term gaming expierence. Our team is limited (and searching for expanding) and fully motivated to work on a daily basis on the server. Basic Server Information: Exp/SP Rates: 15x Adena rate: 20x Quest Reward rates: 5x Quest Exp Reward rates: 15x (and customized for certain quests). Enchanting rates: 66% Blessed Enchanting rates: 76% No Donation. Custom features: Customized Community Board. Customized NPC Shops in every town. Scheme Buffer. 2 hour buffs. Reworked Quests. Global Gatekeeper. PvP Rewards. PvP Rankings. Quests: No first class transfer quest. No second class transfer quest. No third class transfer quest. Noble status can be bought with adena. New clans can claim a reward of Clan Lv 8 + Clan Skills upon creation if having more then 10 active members. New clans can also claim their free Clanhall! Join today with your clan! Olympiad period is 1 months. Heroes are 1 month aswell. We try to keep Aria server as much as retail-like as possible. We hope to see you soon online on www.L2Noxious.com
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