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  1. Looks like the missing text problem is caused by an missing/corrupt SysString-e.dat from the system folder. Thats the file that contains all the text for the UI.
  2. Have u tried the L2Tool for UnrealEngine2Runtime? That usually does the trick for textures in the L2UI..
  3. Hi all. I couldn't find info on where to edit the texts of the tab's of the Community Board. So I wen't on the quest myself to find them, and I found them. It's easy when you know what to edit and where, so I felt like sharing this. First decrypt SysString-e.dat from the System folder. (If you don't know how, search the Maxcheaters forum!) And edit these lines to your wishes: 377 a,Home\0 379 a,Favorite\0 380 a,Add Fav.\0 382 a,Clan\0 381 a,Region\0 403 a,Memo\0 904 a,Friends\0 905 a,Mail\0 2257 a,Homepage\0 To show an example:
  4. We've launched the server! Happy fragging!
  5. I've added an "FAQ" post on the L2Noxious forum (under Guides \ Rules section). It has a link with a small explanation on how to apply it.
  6. If you're running on Windows 8, you need a small fix. Otherwise, try to use a clean Lineage 2 install, apply our patch, then start the Lineage II.exe from the main Lineage 2 folder and do Full Check.
  7. I found a very similair PSD of this websites. http://l2drugdealer.deviantart.com/art/PSD-L2Kydonia-498884288
  8. Rebuilding our Highrate has taken it's toll on Aria a bit, the development came behind the planning. As the current curve of player activity is maintained, then it would start to mean that Aria is only taking resources that aren't used. If Aria won't build up a player base, then it will be dismantled in 2015.
  9. Good thing that there are servers like L2Noxious that does not exploit a donation system.
  10. L2Noxious is not a corrupt server. Not enough crew to be able to be corrupt :dat:
  11. Our first Beta Program has launched. I had some technicle problems (burned videocard) that delayed the Beta start a bit. Check us out and Jump in! Please share your feedback with us so we can make the server even better!
  12. No, i don't have screenshots of them. :P You could come over and try to get them :)
  13. Then make a new topic for that discussion. With the current player stability (lets round it off to 0) there doesn't seem animo for lowrate.
  14. I dont remember Valakas and Antharas having an minimum. Weren't their spawnings triggered when someone enters via the crystal, then after X amount minutes it just starts?
  15. I never had this problem on High5. Maybe it's client sided? Which chronicle are you using?
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