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About omnipotente

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  1. all prices are very high..., that weapon barely cost 12kkk, eternal set worth 5 not 6 b and adena is under 30e/b now
  2. as title says i got some lvl 98+ accounts and wtt 1 of them for a high level clash of clans account, leave your offers, thx. PD: prefered a clash of clans account by gmail.
  3. feohs are extremly op and yuls are going to be buffed in next patch, i guess that is the reason
  4. can u come skype?¿ i already added u i got some items u could be interested in and some adena also
  5. I can post my opinion in everypost that i want, even its like a freebump for ppl
  6. ppl selling longing for 150-170 , low it down if u wanna sell it. GL
  7. he tried to scamm me the same way... but i checked sakura skype is .the.dream and his skype is sakuraepicnpc, that is a 36 years old scammer, known as an epic failer of scamming, take more care the next time bro.
  8. as tittle says wts 2kkk adena in core server 60 euros not negotiable, interested ppl pm me. GL all
  9. my advice, dont get desesperated but im selling an account almost like yours and i havent sold it yet, atm 2 months selling xD so dont be hurry for it. Good luck
  10. hunter talisman set eternal leather +3 3 parts majestic app dex hat +3 set tw light +3 ninja app frintezza necklace +3 r99 +3 belt skull edge +3 critical damage att 300 apocalypse thrower +3 damage up att 150 1kkk adena. reply me here or pm me
  11. u are extremly expensive, u are trying to sell your accounts for like 5 months or 6 i think, if u didnt got think about the reason...
  12. Its not about spam, its about giving my opinion to people, nowadays u can easy buy 99/99 chars naked for 100 euros or even less, it would be stupid buy one for 300, and that in case that u provide original mail, otherwise the account would be 100% unsafe.
  13. some ppl with 1 post maybe? xD that is the same guy. 1 rager who wanted to buy one of my accs and i got it sold for double of what he was paying me, but as u wish.
  14. im not interested into buying epics, i just need to know, how much more or less are u gonna sell them?thx.
  15. r u talking serious?, that char worth 300kk, u can find tons of 85 chars for 10 euros (300 m adena)
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