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Everything posted by aneos

  1. could you explain what a "toon" is please?? :/
  2. it can come in handy when you are trying to get the flag, though I believe that once someone just sees the flag disappear and reappear in the middle of the BG, held by you they'll probably report you ^^ :P
  3. This is a nice trick m8, though I believe many people already know it ;)
  4. I guess ALL these items are quite expensive to buy ^^ :P but once you get them, you probably rule ! :D
  5. m8, that's pretty kewl.! I had a name "Pwpweleos" and told the GM that it means "I f*ck goats", and he asked me what I wanted my name to be! :D
  6. m8, what do you mean by saying "Lagging up"... how can you just lag up? :S
  7. I honestly think that when your pet is in combat, you are in combat, or at least if the monster has attacked you, you get in combat, and don't leave until you are far from the monster. So I think this is not actual. But you can always use Aspect of the Cheetah, while your pet has all the aggro. get away and mount
  8. ok, that's pretty clever and diffucult to find... but what about Bind on Account items? can they be transferred from Allies to Horde or vice versa?? :/
  9. I tried it, I got to the ledge, "asleep" but when I tried to move, it got me back where I was on the beginning... so when I /sleep on the edge (while floating) what should I press? :/
  10. when you dismount, your pet will still be next to you, right?
  11. great help, used it and worked with mine ;)
  12. great guide m8, very explanatory, even a 5-year old can do it this way ;)
  13. I know this post is really big, but once you read it, you'll believe it's really worth it (at least I hope so) I was playing on a server in WoW (not a private server, an Official WoW server, full of people) I was a lvl 8 draenei shaman. so, I saw a lvl 9 draenei shaman, followed by another 2 lvl 9 draenei shamans, who were AFK. I said hi, and wrote a "/greet" I got a hello by all 3 of them and then a "/hello" by all 3 of them. they were still AFK then I saw all 3 of them cast "Healing Wave" on me. Nothing strange till here, right? I realised that they all said "hello", wrote "/hello" and cast "Healing Wave" SIMULTANEOUSLY... not 1 millisecond late. then they all cast "Lightning Shield" simultaneously. not 1 millisecond late as well. then the 3 Draenei Shamans left. but the 2 of them were still AFK and the one (that was in front, leading) was not AFK. so, I believe that this is some kind of program which does the same moves, on all 3 accounts, which if you link with the "Refer-A-Friend" program, you can get to lvl 60 before you know it, since if you use 3 Hybrids (chars who can heal themselves, and DPS e.g.:Paladins, Druids) you can solo ANY instance you want... if anyone has this kind of program, or has any idea of how I can create this kind of program please, post...
  14. can I use this guide to make a bot for an official server?
  15. me too... :/ basically slay3rgr1 you probably were very lucky and got some sort of 1/99999999 chance to get your money stuck somewhere in the trade, so you got them back. but it's VERY unlikely to happen...
  16. basically in some servers Netheweave cloth stacks cost 10-12g ^^ but if on your server it costs less then it's easy money ;)
  17. basically,you could get banned in the meantime... BUT, if you're lucky and don't get banned then it's some nice and easy money... :D
  18. is there any version for 3.0.3 ??
  19. actually I don't really get what EPL is (I've been playing WoW for 1 month). So please explain this, I've understood all the rest
  20. ok, m8 I just wanna add that here in Greece (στο Πλαίσιο για την ακρίβεια) I wanted to buy the Burning Crusade and the Wrath of the Lich King. But accidentally I bought 2 Burning Crusade copies (yeah I know it's foolish) I paid, walked out of the store and realised what I did. So I went back, with the receipt I had just taken 5 minutes ago, and they didn't give me a refund for 1 of the Burning Crusade, they only told me that I could buy something else which costs the same. Unfortunately WOTLK is more expensive so I just bought a WOTLK and got home with 2 TBC and 1 WOTLK... Sooooo, don't go to big stores, they probably won't refund...
  21. se kanw ban giati apla to avatar sou ponaaeii...
  22. aneos


    xaxaxaxaxaxax den to paizw eksypnakias kai to kserw oti den dinei post count giati apla TO LEEI STO TITLE... ASDF ASDF ASDF ASDF
  23. aaaa, you mean like edit for example an item, and change its description or its icon??
  24. entaksei ama dokimases stous bug-protected me 3 active GMs olh thn wra, dyskolo na petyxei... ;)
  25. mono pou prepei na perimenw na katevei to hellbound prwta ^^ (mporw na mpw me Gracia client??)
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