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Everything posted by Keyron

  1. After one day on this server, Farm is boring, always the same, coins for buy customs weapons/armors/blessed enchants(100%) ..but for sure not epics jewels(need vote coins) ! Maps are boring, always the same, primeval isle(for pvp too) for earn hight/top ls and much farming coins.. The first day, no geodata http://prntscr.com/bopzsp description on custom weapons aren't finish http://prntscr.com/boq02z. About donators ? The first day, there was an player who destroyed us named "fane", he was in the top pvp http://prntscr.com/bopt6d, and his clan, in top clan http://prntscr.com/bopu14. Why ? Because of this http://prntscr.com/bopusc so with full epics and gear +20 for sure ! A old player(from L2Golden) came to me and said me that "fane" on L2Golden was like a GM char, and well it's the same at this time. Also, he watched him, like me and saw this http://prntscr.com/bopvyw. His own clan thought this too http://prntscr.com/bopxd7. Raidbosses are cool but, they respawn so fast. So no PVP and if you got a clan who zerg a lot, it's easy to farm them. Well to sum up, in one day boring, maybe corrumption(50% sure), no fun, waste of time and have like 50 peoples or less.
  2. Good luck with, i will come test.
  3. I send something on facebook and here, but still no have information yes. Maybe they are trying to repair
  4. Can we have informations about the website situation ? Well he is just very slow
  5. I hope a traduction in english at the start of the classic x1200
  6. Bad luck they got, or maybe some attacks..
  7. Not only on the website :) In game is the same, all are in russian language ^^ I hope an fully english version !!
  8. When an english version ? :)
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