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Everything posted by GoDofAdeN

  1. ################################################################ ################################################################ ################################################################ Versions : DOWNLOAD FROM THE LIST ################################################################ ################################################################ ################################################################ GeoData & Pathnodes Interlude ################################################################ ################################################################ ################################################################ Timeline : http://my-trac.assembla.com/L2Dot/timeline Forum: http://www.l2dot.info/forum/ (Ask them for Support in their forum, not in my thread) This topic will be Updated Every Day by me.
  2. yeah, true...thats really interesting, But you cant register or somthing... upload them elsewhere then share.
  3. May I explain you that those 2 websites uses a CMS called JOOMLA, and Its Useless to rip them, cuz Joomla is FREE and the templates can be easly found in any warez forum. cheers.
  4. look better the image.. did you see something "new" in it ? O yeah...try to ZOOM it and see : HELLBOUND ISLE ! Its Updated to Gracia p2 !
  5. Ah...Dwarves. We've all seen them in droves in Giran (among other places), and on the surface they seem to be permanently infused with sticky fingers and dollar signs in their eyes. But what goes through their wee little dwarven minds when they're out in the L2 world? This helpful chart will tell you. Finally, the mystery of the Dwarven mental process is revealed! Enjoy! Have Fun :)
  6. Wau, What you are ? the sheriff of the situation ? chill out baby !
  7. thats not possible, the forum is worldwide (is online) so, I dont see where the problem is. also, do you have any error displayed when you try to reach : www.lineage2x.eu/l2jct/index.php add me in msn to talk better : godofaden@live.co.uk byez. EDIT : (Revision 163) http://rapidshare.com/files/208548722/L2JCTeam_163.7z
  8. check the new link i provided before, because is working 100% also, check the timeline and forum news, because i added an new type of GS and DP called releases... that means there will not be very MUCH customs, we will focus to FIX only on that version, Istead of adding Customs (wich can be found on the other version , the old one). So when you see the SVN, you'll see : Gameserver = Old one (with custom stuff) Datapack = Old one (with custom stuff) GS_release = New (not much customs) DP_release = New (not much customs) visit our forum at : www.lineage2x.eu/l2jct
  9. Drama ? and what relation we have ? Did i killed your cat or what ? O_o Btw, you are always welcome. and I would say : I Apologize If i offended you in any way. bye.
  10. sorry for the double post, but i managed to make an other forum, cuz the old domain l2info.info isnt working :s http://lineage2x.eu/l2jct feel free to register again, and sorry :s
  11. Happy to hear that :) And, IF those things are Implemented on the Normal L2J, then we have them implemented too :) Let me know the name of your server :P so i can check it xD
  12. ok, I find an updated version at L2J forums :P Here it is and Its Working 100% as it should. Have Fun. If VaGo have some time, can tell us How to add some custom stats like : If someone gets 10 pvp in a row gets for example 10% more Hp/Mp/Cp/Pdef/Mdef If someone gets 20 pvp in a row gets for example 20% more Hp/Mp/Cp/Pdef/Mdef If someone gets 50 pvp in a row gets for example 50% more Hp/Mp/Cp/Pdef/Mdef and go on :P thanks.
  13. (Revision 131) : http://rapidshare.com/files/208060758/L2JCTeam_131.rar
  14. try to update, and report again later ;) Im so sorry, dont know what Happened with our forums today, hopefully they will be UP very shortly. :s
  15. Translated please ? this is an english section remember ? thnx
  16. try out the older versions, and let us know ;) here the links : http://rapidshare.com/files/206366550/L2JCTeam_105.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/207376717/L2JCTeam_120.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/205651868/L2JCTeam_80.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/205873380/L2JCTeam_86.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/206127629/L2JCTeam_98.rar
  17. very cool share :) thanks. hopefully this will be improoved with more usefull sql codes :)
  18. Screen (see the yellow arrows) : Download Link : http://rapidshare.com/files/207825410/3D_bossmap_by_GoDofAdeN.rar
  19. oh, and just now i finished to Upload the L2Justice Server Patch at my Rapidshare Premium account. Who Want to Download it here ya go : http://rapidshare.com/files/207815096/L2Justice_Patch.7z Have Fun ;D
  20. our forum hoster is doing some server manteniance...and for that reason the website is down. and please Fogotendx20 write an clean english, cuz you seems drunked or something like that !
  21. Nice Server :) p.s. I think you should take a look into the Enchant Scrolls Armor+Weap cuz in all grades when i try to enchant they say : Innapropriate enchant condition...or something like that :s thanks
  22. If VaGo have nothing to say, I can Host the Patch into my Rapidshare Premium ;) Later I will give the Link :)
  23. Well, i think you guys are going too much off-topic and please stop this SPAM. thanks. P.s. I would like to say welcome to our new Team Member = VAGO ;D
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