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Everything posted by GoDofAdeN

  1. L2Jofficial Forums => http://www.l2jofficial.com/forum/ Btw, Embass...PM me your Msn to talk out.
  2. http://svn.assembla.com/svn/L2jOfficial/ SVN Here isnt the right section to ask for a "system" folder. The charateristics of this pack can be seen on the timeline only, cuz I didnt noticed yet if they have a forum or not (yet).
  3. ################################################################ ################################################################ ################################################################ Versions : DOWNLOAD FROM THE LIST ################################################################ ################################################################ ################################################################ Timeline : http://trac.assembla.com/L2jOfficial/timeline Forum: http://www.l2jofficial.com/forum/ This topic will be Updated Every Day by me.
  4. this isnt the right place to report the bugs, use their forums please www.l2dot.info/forum thank you.
  5. the 4th video tutorial has been released today, have fun watching ! ;D
  6. if you need some good php scripts just use those I have shared here before, easy => http://rapidshare.com/files/165842476/Status-Scripts.rar have fun !
  7. Updated with Release 540 ! also The Logo in the fist page changed.
  8. simple is different than ugly, btw do what you feel better.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKNINgRkQhw
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XK2tjiV-JfA
  11. are you joking right ? thats is 1 of the worst websites i have ever seen....
  12. Please, can you STFU ?!? L2JServer has Nightlies, where you can find PRECOMPILED versions EACH day, without Waiting for that letitbit CRAP. thanks. NightLies Link => http://l2jserver.com/nightlies/ bye
  13. Well, Ok, If you dont understand what a webproxy is go here => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_server and... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_server#Web_proxy then, the bandwidth meter is self explaining (is a tool to show you your Internet downloading speed from an website by downloading a virtual package). well, I have hosted them in some of my domains, so you ppl can use them if needed. here we go : WebProxy 1 => Location UK => *ClickMe* WebProxy 2 => Location USA => *ClickMe* **If needed i can share the scripts for both types of bandwidth meter and proxy, so you can create your own ;D** #################################################### Bandwidth Meter 1 => Location UK => *ClickMe* Bandwidth Meter 2 => Location DE => *ClickMe* Bandwidth Meter 3 => Location USA => coming soon... #################################################### If i did something wrong by posting here those utilities, just delete the topic. **My Webproxy script dont contain any pubblicity, spyware, or shits, the bandwidth meter too** #################################################### Have Fun !
  14. WTF ? we arent still on gracia final (L2J etc not fully supporting it) and NCSoft dudes wanna make already a new fucking episode ? what now ? characters will have a jet-bag to be able to fly ? bah.............
  15. a backup by meaning if someone got this patch file and hosted it elsewhere than pastebin, as the link in first post is not working (expired i guess).
  16. Someone Got an Backup of this ? I wanted to test, thanks.
  17. Post count needed to read the topic is now removed. enjoy this share ;)
  18. Yes, all of them have the Scripts Included, also I cannot remember you On my msn, tell me your Msn in Pm if you want :)
  19. The PDS files are inside of each template :) easy to edit i think. btw, thx for the comments :)
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