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Everything posted by GoDofAdeN

  1. Geodata (is full + pathnodes full). and i think is the best free avalaible geodata for interlude. Also, Release 430 is Out, check the first post (into the premium folder, thanks).
  2. Updated with Release 424 ! @ Jaz => Download the Package with Geodata and Pathnodes, go to the data folder and you should see 2 folders named Geodata and Pathnodes...extract inside those folders the corrispective of what you downloaded... Geodata to Geodata, Pathnodes to Pathnodes...and you are done. ah, you must enable the geodata usage from the configs :)
  3. Updated with Release 401 ! p.s. some annoying errors fixed.
  4. the next will be antharas and valakas as "dogs" ? :D good job !
  5. Closed the L2 server (eclipse) and opened a leaching community ? (leaching from mxc i suppose without giving credits)...like this...http://mmocraze.com/index.php?topic=35.0 gg !
  6. Pubblic Test Server From the Lineage2 Official Forum : "The Server will go live Thursday, April 16th at approximately 3pm CDT. Please report any bugs you encounter on the PTS via the in-game petition client. You will not get a reply, but any bugs submitted by this means will be recorded and investigated by our QA department. Reply in this thread if you notice any mistakes in the patch notes, or simply wish to discuss them. The first character on each account on the PTS will start at level 83 with 1 billion adena and 2 billion SP. The following rates will be applied throughout the duration of the PTS. Additionally, because of previous feedback we have received, we have exciting new functionality! You will now be able to learn all of your skills instantly! Simply speak with the Test Server Helper and after your 3rd class transfer, click the “Practice Skills” link and you will have all of your skills ready to use. Also, if you click on the “buy accessories” link at the Test Server Helper, you’ll also notice wide array of S80 gear ready for you to purchase and wear. PTS Rates • Experience is set to times four (x4). • Drop rates are set to times six (x6). This includes spoiling. • Quest rewards are set to times ten (x10). • Clan Reputation Points are set to times ten (x10). • Penalty for leaving a clan is set to one minute. There will be no death penalty debuff on the PTS. And, as always, the cats will be on hand to see to your other needs. -Kinslon " Have FUN ! :D
  7. thnx => http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=54597.0
  8. What you mean ? L2J Interlude STOPPED to be developed ! So, L2Dot is Improoving the L2J IL project...thats all.
  9. Good job for changing the l2.bin to l2.exe ;) also, you need to wait a lil untill the PTS goes live..so L2J will support it :s
  10. The difference is that Im not Hosting anymore the FULL client..Only the Update...for that reason i provided Multiple Mirrors to download a clean Interlude Client, then..apply the Live Updated Patch. :)
  11. Links to download => 1- http://games.on.net/file/25882/Lineage_II_Chaotic_Throne_Gracia_Final_PTS_Client 2- http://www.fileplanet.com/193178/190000/fileinfo/Lineage-2---Gracia-Final-PTS-Client 3- http://www.gamershell.com/news_74178.html 4- http://files.l2.ru/l2/files/Installer_Lineage2_1.0.6_PTS.rar 5- http://computergames.ro/en/downloads/viewitem/id/13681/name/lineage-ii-chaotic-throne-gracia-final-pts-client.html Byez :) ################################################################ ################################################################
  12. How to Get a clean Interlude Client ? ################################################################ ################################################################ Mirrors where to download the clean client (without Update, need to be installed). (download only 1 from the mirrors). 1- http://games.internode.on.net/filelist.php?filedetails=7053 2- ftp://ftp.lineageworld.ru/pub/lineage/client/Interlude/lineage2_interlude_client.rar 3- http://c6client.lineage2world.com/downloads/L2_Interlude_Full_Client.zip 4- http://www.gamershell.com/download_18458.shtml 5- http://www.fileplanet.com/176081/170000/fileinfo/Lineage-II-Interlude-Client ################################################################ ################################################################ Then you need to ADD the Lastest Interlude Update (before the Kamael Era).. Here is the FULL (untouched) Update, nothing is patched, is a CLEAN, OFFICIAL Update Patch (12/12/2007) Download => http://rapidshare.com/files/221386012/Interlude-Update-12-12-07-Full.7z ################################################################ ################################################################ How to ADD the Update ? 1- Install the client 2- DONT update 3- Extract the Content of the Update Patch inside the Lineage II Folder (root) 4- When your PC system will promt to override the files, choose YES ! 5- after that, you'll have a CLEAN (not patched) Interlude client ! Have FUN !
  13. Still In Beta, Dances 1 min other buffs 19 min, (the Buffs from magic flute arent at the max lvl), Dual Box is Bannable if a gm catch you. ... max buff slots...hmmmm....16 or so. have fun. (the box they have actually lags cuz the geodata is 100% enabled), they need to purchase a new Box.
  14. L2Dot is an Evolution of L2J Interlude Branch. Updated with revision 373 ! check the first post.
  15. Well, Dont know really, I personally dont seen an "live" server which uses L2Dot (cuz none say it on thier own descriptions), so simply I dont know to answer you. take 5 min, register on their forums...and maybe you'll find your answers.
  16. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=lj+stats+plugin&btnG=Google+Search&aq=2s&oq=LJstat Wrong section btw, thats for L2, not CS:S
  17. Sorry Dude, but How ppl will see the updates if i dont , lest say, "bump" my topic ? Just explain me this. Also, I think I should Leave the Revisions, cuz who will download them should know at least to count to see which is the lastest one... and why chaotic ? cuz i list them all ? please, dont make me laugh...thanks :) revision 342 is coming in 10 min. bye. Also, im posting on my own topics only...do you think Im spamming the whole forum ? dont think so...(2 posts at day...bah ! ) ;)
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