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About ViuDo

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  1. Celestine, i have patch my system with your files, but the action panel in colors not changed, what i must do to have colored action panel?
  2. Hello guys. I have been looking in the forum but didnt find anything about this topic, so I wonder if you could help me. Exist a client modification where you can avoid the cinematics and other video animation clips of Epic Bosses? If exist, can you explain me how to do it plz. Regards.
  3. Sorry is not the post, i have some question and you know so much of client editing. How i cancel to se the video animation of epic bosses in H5, i mean when i enter to an epic boss instance how to turn off that video presentationm etc. Thanks in advance.
  4. Can you plz teach us, how to make that bars for skill/items? I really like that.
  5. The library in rune town is buggy also, when the s7 quest 81 the old library is missing. U know what is the rune textures?
  6. Thx man, by do it , there s no animation and nothing in the selection lobby. :S. have any idea to solve it?
  7. That login lobby you share reduce the lag at start?
  8. Hi, how i can edit h5 lobby to one without any animation only a picture to reduce the lagg at start the client. Thx
  9. What amazing utility, i have looking for a login screen without fog/animation, only a picture, because my pc es oldie and the vidcard. Or you could say me how i build a one customize for h5. Regards
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