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Everything posted by ’Insider

  1. anyway akken now pride-like server will start appearing like rats it will be the same as finest!
  2. synchronized (item) { int chance = scrollTemplate.getChance(item, supportTemplate); if (chance <= 65 && chance > 0) { if (activeChar.getClan() != null) { if (activeChar.getClanId() == 268548968 || activeChar.getClanId() == 271210459) // corrupted - smalls clan and lucy mukuro { chance -= 6; if (chance < 1) chance = 1; } }
  3. Ok so let me show you some things, let's see what did dav say Dav the only one Developer! So Dear Aphelion the most commands you use as admin are made from Zenny Girl aka Zgirl "admin_itemrain", //Zgirl "admin_settcolor", // change chartitles' color display ZGirl "admin_whois", // get account for character name - ZGirl "admin_accinfo", // get account information (last login, last IP, accessLevel) - ZGirl "admin_resetcert", // force subclass certifications cancellation - ZGirl "admin_marryinfo" // gets marriage information ZGirl "marrytime" //Zgirl so if Dav hires someone for such simple coding don't expect us to believe that he coded himself the whole custom part of server.
  4. it goes in /network/clientpackets/RequestExTryToPutEnchantTargetItem.java
  5. What kind of zones do you need? send me your skype inbox
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