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Everything posted by Kuch

  1. updated information. Join and have fun!
  2. http://www.l2saphira.com/
  3. Web Update!
  4. the site is not updated. The web server has data x 10
  5. if no problems, we will open on Wednesday July 13 without Wipe.
  6. Join us and form part of the wonderful world of Lineage 2 Saphira Website: http://l2saphira.com or http://pvp.l2saphira.com Forum: http://foro.l2saphira.com RATES: Exp: x1000 Drop x1 (Custom) Party: 2 Karma Drop 80% Max 5 Item. ENCHANTS: - Weapon: Safe +3 Max +16 - Armor: Safe +3/+4 Max +16 - Jewel: Safe +3 Max +16S - Scroll and Blessed enchant 66% - Element Stone 50% - Element Crystal 40% - Element Jewel 40% FEATURES: - Buff Duration 4 hours. - NPC Scheme Buffer. - Skill 80+ Need Event Item. - Zona PVP/FARM. - NPC Argumentacion. - Olimpiad System. - Automatic events. - Automatic events. - Special Tattoos. - Mana Potions. - Free Subclass. - Autolearn Skills. - Auto Pickup. - Noble Status with Golden Knight. - Castle Siege, 500 Fame point each 5 min. - Fortress Siege, 124 Fame point each 5 min. - GMShop Full. - Global Gatekeper. - Sets armor Freya: Moirai, Vorpal, Elegia. - Events organized regularly by GM. - Box limitation currently Main more 2 boxes. Dedicated Server Info Hardware Processor Intel Xeon i7 W3520 4x2(HT)x2.66+ GHz 8 Mb L2 - QPI 4.8 GT/sec Architecture 64 bits RAM 24 GB DDR3 Hard disk Intel SSD 320 2x 120 GB Network SwitchPort 1 Gbps Guaranteed bandwidth 1 Gbps
  7. I will try in freya. Thank you!
  8. work fine in freya?
  9. First month open, over 400 on!!! Join US now!
  10. L2Tower!
  11. Snow Fenrir, the best pet.
  12. First month open!!! Join US!
  13. any have this npc 100% for freya? now subclass dont work QQ
  14. Up!
  15. Up!
  16. 500+ online and still growing, join us, join long time period server and enjoy game.
  17. New server Lineage 2 Freya! Join us and form part of the wonderful world of Lineage 2 Saphira, where for free you can enjoy a good Lineage 2 server. Our main purpose is to provide users and community members to have fun and enjoy your stay on the server. Lineage 2 Saphira provides you a competent staff, active and attentive to users. The server has been created with the greatest enthusiasm and hard work as possible that you might enjoy it. Server opened: june 2, 2011 Web: http://l2saphira.com/ Forum: http://foro.l2saphira.com/ Dedicated Server. Hardware Processor Intel Xeon i7 W3520 4x2(HT)x2.66+ GHz 8 Mb L2 - QPI 4.8 GT/sec Architecture 64 bits RAM 24 GB DDR3 Hard disk Intel SSD 320 2x 120 GB Network SwitchPort 1 Gbps Guaranteed bandwidth 1 Gbps RATES: Exp: x10 SP: x10 Drop x10 Party: 1.5 Spoil: x5 Quest Exp: x5 Quest Drop: x3 RB Drop: x5 FEATURES: - Territory Wars. - All epic Raids. - Olympiad retaill like. - Vitality System with retail formulas. - Improved Pets. - Retail buff time. - Retail skill formulas - Skill Transfer System. - No auto Learn skills. - Item Broker, working. - Instances in Castles and fortresses. - Instances Seed of Infinity, Seed of Destruction, working. - Seed of Annihilation working. - Working Chambers of Delusion - All Kamalokas. - All Pailakas. - All Castles and Fortresses siegable. - PvP Weapons & Armors - Subclass Skill Certifications. - Quests for 3rd class change. - Quests for Noble/Subclass. - Geoengine/Patchnode system. - Cursed Weapons. - Team vs Team. - Seven Sign Epic Quests. - Agumentation System (Weapon/Jewelery) - Masterwork Working. - Enchant: Safe +3 (full body +4). - Offline Trade/Craft. - Custom Clan Hall (Oren, Heine, Hunters, Floran) - Retail like Newbie Guide Buffs till Lv 75 - Fish 100%. - Manor system 100%. - Skills 80+ working. - Skill certifications. - Hellbound. - Territory wars. - Epic bosses. - Pets Freya. - Sets armor news: Moirai, Vorpal, Elegia. - Fame Points System - Augmentation - Events organized regularly by GM. - Box limitation currently Main more 2 boxes.
  18. New Upddater, no work Tower, some soluctions?
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