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Everything posted by papajo
WTS [WTS] [L2] account + items on Darkside 30x eclipse
papajo replied to Bayonetta's topic in Marketplace [Items & Chars]
we are offering both powerlevening services and Quest service on this server too! nad VERY CHEAP! :) Prosferoume tis ipiresies mas kai ston sigekrimeno server kai POLI FTINA! -
WTB [WTB] Items or character at l2 elixir
papajo replied to Artec's topic in Marketplace [Items & Chars]
Mporoume na sou kanoume enan Char opiodipote class 8eleis mepowerlevening 8a doseis ligotera kai oti items/adena sikosei o char kata tin diarka tou power lvling 8a ta kratiseis esi! :) -
Tank: Player with high diffence (and usually heavy armor) that allows him to recieve most of the party's damage from the mobs. ** I want just to bold that also you need to have a 2nd class agro skill to be considered as a Tank otherwise your extra pdef goes wasted because eventually the mobs/raids gonna hit at somtime the rest of the party as well (thats why Dwarfs or Orcs or paladins/duelists etc are not considered as tanks,, Dark Avengers or Sillien/temple Knights are Tanks though) and I think that lol means Laugh Out Loudly Thats my edit :P But very nice job... and it must took you hours to finish that and to sort it alphabeticaly :P
Who is the best Class in the Game, open PVP
papajo replied to siciliiano's topic in General Discussion [English]
No (atleast no in servers that have not modified attributes) because OL can be owned by silence (+weakness and Curse oc chaos if you are a necro or warrior bane or curse of doom if you are a soultaker) ** or just by curse deseas (so that he cant drain life) Yes that is kinda true, but also it depents from many other reasons ( if the other player knows his char good as well who hits first if you ambuse him or he ambush you etc etc etc) lol man thats the faniest thing I ever heared x0xa0x0ax0a you just chosed the worse classes for best chars for Mass PVP OMG OMG OMG XD 1st SR and EVERY archer are 1to1 PVP oriented...they just need to kill their current target to continue to an other one... so simple.. Spell singer is kinda hybrid because as an Elemental mage he should be aoe killer.... but because of his low matk his skills do not land that good.. and also can be brought down easily especially by fighters because he canot regenerate/drain HP... also a minus. and for many other well known reasons these classes you think they are best at mass PVP are the worse but are very good at PVP 1vs1! (the fact that you took part in a Mass pvp like clan vs clan using one of these classes and got some PVPs doesnt mean that you were good to the team... you just killed your oponnents thats all) for example 20 mages (OL dominators spell howlers necros etc) can pwn 20 Archers easy (because on mass PVP you have the time - especially if you are not in fron line of the battle- to cast all of your debbuffs and cast them again if they dont land etc- featuer that you dont have at 1vs1PVP and also all elemental mages (like SW) have AOE skills means that they can hit multiple targets (with less dmg ofcourse BUT consider if many mages cast their aoe skill at the same time a whole team can get killed at once.. ;) etc etc etc I dont know why im typong all these arent they obvious?? OMG I mean who else thinks that an archer could ever be a mass pvper?? OMG -
Yes it does 100% working! I have Vista Ultimate edition 64 bit (since it was Beta) and never had a problem (maybe te problems are caused because of noobish behavior.. like installing alchohol 120% -which is a prog that gets really into the core of OS- in a version that had been released much older than the date of Vista release ofcourse in these cases you gonna have a blue screen or whateva..) If you know what you do and use up to date software you wont face any problem. :)
Vasika doulevei alla oxi se olous tous server kai se oles tis periptoseis... apla kalo eina an vre8eis se mia tetia katastasi (mpros gremos kai piso rema :P ) na dokimaseis na to xrisimopiiseis mpas kai glitoseis ligo xrono ;)
Is there anybody who plays in l2 noobwars with bot? I am asking because since the lasted update of this erver my bots are totaly pwned... :/ Iparxei kanenas pou na pezei ston l2 noowars me bot? Rotao giati meta to telefteo update tou server ta dika mou bot den pezoun... :/
WTS [WTS] Perfectly working C5 L2off files
papajo replied to Colin's topic in Marketplace [L2Packs & Files]
I give 75$ -
we are offering both powerlevening services and Quest service on these servers too! :) Prosferoume tis ipiresies mas kai stous sigekrimenus server
[But or get] items in L2g-oldskool
papajo replied to DutyKiller's topic in Marketplace [Items & Chars]
we are offering both powerlevening services and Quest service on thid server too! :) Prosferoume tis ipiresies mas kai ston sigekrimeno server -
[REQUEST] l2 walker or whateva Massive PM script
papajo replied to papajo's topic in Request Botting [English]
no this bots send the same pm to almost ALL players that are loged in the game ! oO I had an idea... maybe this bot captures with a sniffer all the player IDs that are near it (so the bot travels to giran and other popular towns ) to gather player IDs and then uses them to pm them at once (through a script or something) -
Hello I received many times pm from a bot (probably) which was advertising a certain web page for bot and adena services. and every time its a different bot (like playername X0pack then player name BBoge playername $SPQrXoz etc etc etc) this bots use to spam with pm houndrets of user in official server? how can they do that? Script? other 3rd party software?
Well it seems that all the cracks for IG walkers were created from a single guy and then distributed in torrents and forums (maybe with stolen credits) and it seems that this guy is to bored to crack the new version again.. and all us noobs (including me)who dont know how to crack this simple exe are doomed to use oog :/ P.S if anybody has a relevant or a friend that studies network programing and is good at it please beg him to crack the walker!
we are offering both powerlevening services and Quest service on these servers too! :) Prosferoume tis ipiresies mas kai stous sigekrimenus server
WTT wtt/s items from dragon x15(DNET)
papajo replied to madmag's topic in Marketplace [Items & Chars]
we are offering both powerlevening services and Quest service on this server too! :) Prosferoume tis ipiresies mas kai ston sigekrimeno server -
WTB [WTB] L2 dexRomania (Wrath) itamz,bufferz
papajo replied to Kavlita's topic in Marketplace [Items & Chars]
we are offering both powerlevening services and Quest service on these server too! :) Prosferoume tis ipiresies mas kai ston sigekrimeno server -
we are offering both powerlevening services and Quest service on these server too! :) Prosferoume tis ipiresies mas kai ston sigekrimeno server
we are offering both powerlevening services and Quest service on these server too! :) Prosferoume tis ipiresies mas kai ston sigekrimeno server
we are offering both powerlevening services and Quest service on these server too! :) Prosferoume tis ipiresies mas kai ston sigekrimeno server
I made different thread because we can offer this service even if we cant power level there because quest are always the same:) and they dont need pre organization from our part like in power leveling service:) so you can order for ALL servers exist:) Ekana diaforetiko thread giati pistevo oti ane3artita an parexoume power level ipiresies h oxi ston sigekrimeno server sigoura mporoume na kanoume ta Quest mias kai pantou einai ta idia kai den xriazete kamia organosi apo prin apo tin meria mas opos stis ipiresies power leveling:) opote isxioun gia OLOUS tous server [ Some prices have changed PLEASE take a look at the power leveling Topic that I made as well so that you can add our MSN to ask more questions about new prices / Merikes times exoun alla3ei PARAKALO ri3te mia matia sto thread pou exo kanei gia power lvling gia na parete to MSN mas gia na mas rotisete gia tis nees times] Quests : The 2nd class quest = 10 euro The 3nd class quest = 60 euro *NEW* Price: 50 euros noblesse quest [why to donate for it in PVP servers if you can have it cheaper?|giati na to kaneis donate ser PVP servers an mporeis na to exeis pio ftina?] //// dia8esimo fisika kai se olous tous allous server pou den einai PVP apo x1 mexri x999999999|ofcourse its available in any other server that is not a PVP server availabe from x1 to x999999999999999 Mark of Ketra's Alliance(lv1-lv5)=125 euro ------ [8a prepei ta raid boss sto lvl 4 kai telos sto lvl 5 na ta skotosete moni sas|You have to kill the raid bosses at lvl4 and lvl 5 by yourself] Mark of Varka's Alliance(lv1-lv5)=125 euro ----- [8a prepei ta raid boss sto lvl 4 kai telos sto lvl 5 na ta skotosete moni sas|You have to kill the raid bosses at lvl4 and lvl 5 by yourself] DONT FORGET THESE QUEST SERVICES ARE FOR ALL SERVERS! plz PM! MIN 3EXNATE AFTES OI YPIRESIES QUEST ISXIOUN GIA OPIODIPOTE SERVER! plz PM! Edit 1: I think it is a very nice and honest offer and kinda cheap and we can do this in YOUR server too no matter in which you play you have just to give me the link of this server so that I or my co workers can connect noobwars cosmos elite etc etc all servers suported low rate mid rate high rate its a very honest QUICK and cheap service For example you can order the Varka/Ketra alliance with this quest (if this quest is working on your server because some servers are buged if its not working you gonna take you money back) you will be a head up from ALL your enemies because through this quest you can get the TOP S items or REC or S keymats you wanted!! (this quest is especially valuable in LOW rate server were S items are kind of DREAM) Edit 2: Some Servers may sell at GM shop Quest items etc.. at these servers we charges less for doing the Quests ofcourse Merikoi Servers mporei na poulane se GM shop Quest item ktl.. Se aftous tous servers fisika xreonoume ligotero gia na kanoume to Quest EDIT 3: I have noticed that most of you guys are asking for the service MSN address here it is: l2-aria.ingame-services@hotmail.com ~~~send an email with your question there or fell free to add it in your IM and speak life about your matter 24/7. Exo paratirisei pos oi perisoteroi apo esas mou zitate to MSN tin ipiresias loipon afto einai: l2-aria.ingame-services@hotmail.com ~~~ stilte ena email me tin erotisi sas stin sigekrimeni dief8insi h an 8elete efxaristos mporeite na mas pros8esete stis epafes sas tou dikou sas IM kai na milisete mezi mas zontana gia to 8ema sas 24/7.
lol nice topic but really you must not have any life at all to spend so much time typing entire paragraphs with pointless shit about noobs... hummmmmmmmmmmm oO omg did I say pointless??? Guyz I just realised it!! we Got a NOOB affection! :P
Who is the best Class in the Game, open PVP
papajo replied to siciliiano's topic in General Discussion [English]
In server that fighters arent favorite (= they dont have umber normal/retail resistance to magic and at the same time mages has less ressistance than norma to physical skills and attacks) a gladiator is 2 hits.. maybe 1 and a duelist is little more hits but again always dead... for a simple reason a glady at almost all his levels cant do nothing... he is slow and he has nothing to do.. also he is more vurnable to magic than anyone else.. a duelist can make this superskills lol but these are not magic this are counted as physical attack Soultaker can Decrease DRAMATICALY an opponents physical attack so the Duelist becomes again a glady and is dead... But its the same codnition there the soultaker must know how to play and again he is not invinsible.. like the example i said above with Brazil VS Canada.. the odds are on Brazil but it doesnt mean that in 1000 Maches Canada wont win atleast 50 times... -
Who is the best Class in the Game, open PVP
papajo replied to siciliiano's topic in General Discussion [English]
Scenario1 Sagitarius paralyse neco kills the summon then paralise necro again hits crit then baralise again hits crit then necro down... but this works only in omglfmao x903284902348 PVP servers... in normal server if both are equal buffed this this what happens: Real scenario1: Necro dooms Sagi= sagi cant do skills=sagi down Scenario 2: necro gets paralysed better to wait that sagi hits 1st then necro use Vortex (makes sagi vurnable to dark attack) then gloom(more vurnable) then chaos and weakness then just 2 times deathspike and one time rage or Vortex and if you have a summon send the summon to attack too (netter corrupted man in this case) Sagi will go downs because of these debuffs he will fail many times and he wont do dmg + he will do half of his already less dmg if you have summon. Scenario 3:You use Curse of abyss then sagi has no fighter bufs.. sagi will fail then even at a keltir (lol) :P = sagi dead... Btw Sagi can paralyse the soultaker at the real scenarios (or has very small change to do that) because soultaker has Wisdom passive skill (that doesnt work on most privex343434343 pvp servers) also he will have advanced block bless shield etc and most imporantly Ressit shock buff. -
Who is the best Class in the Game, open PVP
papajo replied to siciliiano's topic in General Discussion [English]
Soultaker VS storm Screamer: Option 1: Soultaker makes gloom and Corse of doom = Screamer dead Option 2:Soultaker use Day of doom Screamer has time to use vortex or his Cyclone skill that does only dmg after that soultaker uses Gehena = HP back then Scremers has time to give another vortex Soultakers losses again HP uses Deseas(quickcast) then vortex he absorbs big HP screaer uses rage asorbs little HP if atall.. then Soultaker uses Vamp Mist = Screamer dead.(that big story ends in about 6 seconds :P) Option3: soultaker sends Summon (Cursed man omg not corrupted man necro noobs) to Screamer here there are two Scenarios.. Scenario A: Screamer starts hitting the summon he has it 2 or 3 hits in this time soultaker can doom/silence/anchor him and kill him or if not slince him etc he can make 2 or 3 hits (in the time that screamer need to kill the summon)so he has a 3 hit advantage = Dead Screamer who has less HP cuz of less constitution. Scenario B: the Screamer hits the Soultaker doin half damage of Soultaker(because of transfere pain) that meants that if nobody Mcrits ST will win because he has more HP/CP and Cursed man hits VERY good Physical Attack and STUNS also = gg Screamer dies ftf Soultaker wins all! that doesnt mean that he is invinsible always there is a change to win him... like Brazil vs Canada... ofcourse Brazil wins.. but Canada won brazil once.. :P because Brazil is Imba at soccer it doesnt mean it cant loose.. but when you ask who has the best football team youll get the answer Brazil... :)