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Everything posted by aggro

  1. lol, what does it actually fix? I didn't understand what skill?
  2. Same here, setHeroAura doesn't work for me neither...
  3. So Hi5 would be: no chance? :-)
  4. Does it work on Hi5?
  5. Not working, everytime I try I get Critical Error, when I use "Inject" my toon won't move...
  6. Nice post, let's try if I can get this working.
  7. Tell your father that if he manages to bypass Bake-Ice, he can sell it for a lot of "adenas". But I doubt your father could do anything.
  8. This won't work on any kind of L2OFF server... If it does please tell us the server!
  9. lol... This is the most tardish solution I heard but dude, it works!
  10. Works, very cool you can have a few useful skills like long shot 2 etc. Thanks!
  11. Not working on L2Vicious.
  12. This is not your work to "remake" it. You mean you will rip it and claim you did it. Kaali deserves all the credits.
  13. What was so hard for you to copy it on another site and post it on this one? If you did not create it don't hide your posts. Do you know that most people hate you on a few forums right now? Not only MxB they also hate you Ragezone for not giving the credits and claiming others work yours. You seem to be immature and in a constant seek of attention...
  14. Yeah and you still have your buffs :)
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