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Everything posted by Darknessbg

  1. First of all I never play archers.I'm OL player, however I just tested some classes. As you see i dont blame nobody , if the people like the server like this I'm OK, where did u see: " No, don't play this server!" I just said that for me this server instead the normal interlude archer server is dagger one this time.Also this forum and the topics here are to write/read critics/praise and etc.If you don't want to read such things, just don't join here.If you don't wanna people to say whatever for your server just don't make topics. It's so simple, right ? Exactly l2pvp. :) Of course you will see and other classes in some mass pvp with 50+ people, it's normal.What i mean is farm rooms/solo/small pvp party.Like from 10 people in one room - 5 are daggers, 4 mages, 1 titan for example.There are no OLs/tyrants/archers/tanks /even not many duelists and so on. FIrst of all they can't farm in this server.So if you wanna farm/pvp you have to be a dagger/mage. Why ? Cuz in farm zones everybody pvp/pk and in these small rooms archers sux, OL has no chance to farm, cuz they do low dmg, so while you try to farm an AM you will get killed 20 times(no farm=no items=no pvp=no fun), tanks the same as OL, can't say about tyrants i've not seen any, dunno why.So most pvps are in farms right now, so if you wanna farm and pvp you're forced to play dagger or mage... mmm no thanks. Tried to farm with my OL wasted almost a min to kill only 1 mob, but unsuccessful, a mage came and 3 shot me. So if i wanna play my fav class it will takes me 1 week to gear myself, but if I play a dagger or a mage it will takes me 2-3 days for example.Also mobs are too strong for low dmg classes.Cuz as far as i tested almost all got the same armor/hp.Where are the weaker mobs ? That's what I mean with dagger/mage server, not only because the strange DMG by archers.Some people will tell me there is safe farm zone, I will let you farm there while there are 5-6 geared mages who 1-2 shot the mobs, so they clean all the zone for seconds, even if u hit first a mob they will kill it before you.So the safe farm zone is designed for the mages.. so small zone. pvp server with such farm zones ? If you wanna force more pvps like this, im sure people can find each other and in larger map, if they focus on the pvp.There are people who wanna play and other classes.The only way is to make a mage/dagger to farm with it and to gear your main this way.... lol The only problem here is not the unbalance, but whole gameplay. Anyway all the dagger/mages players will be happy here. Good luck
  2. Funny... GS with +16 bow+p.atk buff does crit hit for around 2.2k dmg to +16 mages. So while I do 1 hit ( for sure you have to pray for crit) the mage does me 3 hits for around 800 dmg(2k-2,4k sure dmg) Guess what is your chance to win ? . Also a titan(no frenzy) just did me 4,8k dmg to my +10 draco set dagger. I was like whaaaaat ?? Is it real ?Yea he had +20 wep, but man, I'm around 8k hp he just almost one shot me without frenzy. When I joined I wondered why there are only mages and daggers and some titans ^^ Yea in first look it was strange.. interlude server without archers :o I'm curious how much dmg will a SR do to a heavy armor class ^^ It's obviously you have nerf the archers, but you have destroyed archers era to make a dagger one.
  3. I'm talking about the gracia one. ;) but anyway the interlude is not better, it may be 100% uptime, I don't know cuz I don't play it, but big community ? Do you really call 100-150 real online, big community ? We all know they paid u to talk like that.
  4. Another fail server ? Just stop trying... Also to make alt accounts to bump and adverstiment the server and to quote yourself... PAC, please we are not from another planet..
  5. For first time I see someone to open 5 servers in a month.. Just give up.
  6. Please, change your country flag or just hide it, becuase you don't deserve it in your profile. Thank you!
  7. Did u really post it ? lol Have u seen my post even ? I've never said it's not deathlegend, I said you can't be sure just from one motto, that is used in many new servers.So your post is totally pointless and funny. ;)
  8. Where the fu*k are the 1k people :O...
  9. Guy even know server like Dex hardly had 1k+ online at start.Do you really think u will have 1k ? :D I can bet whatever you want that you won't have more than 100-150 (at the start , after some hours even less).Stop talking bullshi*s..
  10. @Sido, that's what I said, features are great for start and I like them, if you also read my comment carefull you will see the word update, I guess we all know what it means. Good luck ! /edit @SweeTs, you didn't understand me.It will happens if you can get all your items at that enchant easy, but here you cannot.So if you're lucky enough and you make +20 weapon you will be better than the others,that was my mind.I guess I didn't speak right above.However.
  11. Ofc there is cuz with AM+20 you do more dmg and with +3 less. So the PvP is very different than starwars one. If you have read carefull my post you would see that I said "I like the enchanting features" and i didn't complain about laziness and unbalance. I just said that it will get boring after while, cuz what you will do all day is enchanting/pvp and you won't spend all your life to make a +16 weapon, right ?.So some update like a special event or something like this will keep the population.That was my mind.
  12. Looks good, I like the enchanting features, but i think u have to update it after while, cuz it will get boring after some days of pvp. :)
  13. Oh again the same story... 2k ? I will give u 2k $ if u have more than 500online :)
  14. I don't protect him, cuz I don't know the truth, but there are a lot new opened servers using this motto :)
  15. Why would u post here a Spanish server ? Most people here prefer international or English speaking serv and u won't get more population if u make it only for Spanish and post it here.. lolz
  16. Fu*k the trailer, but this donation list lol... Why everybody tries to open L2 server nowadays.. ?
  17. Again ? No, thanks! Guy just give up.
  18. SkyLord , read and understand how a admin must act.That's why I left l2mid and i'm gonna play his server.
  19. He said he won't do nothing, just fixed it and server goes on.
  20. .....and then all left the server. The end! GG Skylord p2w server, you can spawn more mobs in pagan now, not only for your friends <3
  21. lol and i wondered how some people became 79 lvl for few hours.
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