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Everything posted by L2Network.eu

  1. so, its time to grow up l2network that dont care about money but for community and owners! Perfect support by me! Unique features, Vote system credits by using our or your vote system...bumping system for everyone, Players based rating system (emoji-star rating and not pay to go up)
  2. so, its time to grow up l2network that dont care about money but for community and owners! Perfect support by me! Unique features, Vote system credits by using our or your vote system. Players based rating system (emoji-star rating and not pay to go up)
  3. i think someone with knowledge easy can edit it for other project files...and yes we didnt code it, just we need people to test it
  4. Good evening MXCers i would like to Request from all of you to test our New vote reward system that works for mostly all l2p/f/s packs ( thanks to L2-Scripts , L2s-Guard Team for that ). Please for any bugs, problems inform us ! Download link here: You can find also our files on Control panel Toplist: https://l2network.eu/ Credits: L2-Scripts Regards, L2Network.EU & L2TopNetwork.com
  5. Then try this one: http://l2network.eu/
  6. Here is a working 100% IL engine for Windows 10... (Vagrancy's post)
  7. I see - as i know The HWID Generate a unique Code for Every PC so why you cant verify this unique code ? just a question that's all now if you speak about the Total Votes count then yes you have right - But if you want for individual Vote system then the best way is the HWID
  8. There is no point to take IPs just to be sure if the voter voted or not...With a simple move (restart the routers) you can have any IP you want...Its waste of time Now with a good system you can Check the HWID - is the best way to check the voters
  9. My pleasure to do that...But the Reason you want the Personal IPs from every user? You know that we cant Publish personal Informations to no one!
  10. This is not True for My list tell me what is your server name? And as a Toplist we accept the servers maximum in 8 hours....sometimes it takes 10-20 min
  11. New Smart Widgets is here! Screenshot Generator for the Website...Unique Features only for The L2TopNetwork's Community!
  12. Hello community, The L2Network Team working to create some nice and smart widgets! We already created the online/offline widget that you can easy customize with colors & etc ( we are gonna change the default image )....!! So login to Your panel and give a try! we did not finished yet but help us to make it better More Widgets are coming
  13. UPDATE: - Added Flag Counter generator for your Website! Customize your web counter visitor ! features: overview, Live traffic, Today traffic, yesterday traffic, Details and more! ***Info*** For any bugs send us msg!
  14. - New Unique Changes to improve our TopList with Unique feautures are coming. L2Network.eu Toplist the New Generation 2015 are coming! Stay Tuned
  15. L2OFF Vanganth Files: Revision 164 - Added HardwareIdCheck param to L2NetworkVote feature. Skrill Payment Method Added.
  16. - added Anti-proxy protection to avoid the fake Votes on our TopList.
  17. Hello guys we are gonna recruit "Paid Per Post" and "Paid per Article" - Bloggers for our L2Network.EU... We are gonna Create a New Blog with categories (Games-tech-Computers News and so on) Every source that you have you can post it with Credits/source we need smart people with experience on that.... We will discus together about it and then we will make the deal - Every post Must be real and NOT Fake Please open a support ticket here: http://prntscr.com/7dxqve
  18. there is already an option for that on our Toplist!
  19. L2Network.eu and L2TopNetwork.com A new Lineage 2 TopList is open with a variety of features that will help a lot the private servers that will be part of the list in order to be more popular in the society of Lineage 2. L2Network.eu aims to European players so if a NOT European server wants to be more popular to European players will have a good change to achieve it! Every admin that will add his website to our Toplist will have access to a very useful panel that will help him to manage easily his information for the server or edit and add extra things to the future. Furthermore : Youtube Videos are supported in order to promote your server in a modern and better way than other toplists. Premium Banners that you can upload via your user control panel with extra features as click counter and the traffic in general plus more! We provide banners not only to Lineage 2 servers but to all that sell things about Lineage 2 such as servers, webhosting, dedicated servers, ddos protection e.t.c. also. This feature is available only to admins of the servers in order to aim in a higher possibility attracting clients! L2Network collaborates ONLY with the best l2off/l2java developers, forums and web designers. Our goal is to collaborate with the best servers and communities also. More Infos for our Visits just check the Alexa rank! more than 140.000 - 170.000 visitors per month! UPDATES: Added Flag Counter generator for your Website! Customize your web counter visitor !| New Update from Vanganth Added HTML - - -Updated L2Network Vote system, from now when you type .showvote it will show template html (showvote.htm) with special vote link based on TemplateLink from IlExt.ini configuration. REV: 152 Added Vanganth's L2OFF Files Vote Reward with Command on REVISION: 150 (Subscribe) Configs: L2JFrozen Vote reward System REVISION: 1112 Added TOP 5 UPCOMING Servers we added automaticaly Rank Position payment on your CP... You can select your premium position and you can get it instantly! WEBSITE: http://l2network.eu FORUM: http://l2network.eu/forums/ Advertise: http://l2network.eu/ads/index.php?loc=view_adrates&uid=100000
  20. I would like to thank Lineage 2 E-global Reborn for giving us the idea of Top5 Upcoming Servers...i wish the best Opening :P
  21. 1) YOU ARE TOTALY OUT! Where did you see that l2network use SMF and and Where Did you see that FASRT IS CODER of l2network and not simple designer. The L2Network DONT USE FORUMS LIKE TOPZONE 2) (your answer is totaly out for what i wrote) If we are unaware as you said why you didnt help @haskovo as i did and now his system working? ( maybe someone else is totaly unaware and unskilled ) 3) As i said i am not Java dev but i tried 4) again with puzzles!!! send here the photo. Why you say "its a small photo" there are not small/big/huge photos its just a photo post it here ( challenge you ) Just make a simple search on google type some keywords like: l2top, l2top servers, lineage2 servers etc... just to see where we are Do something for yourSelf and dont stay here just for some more posts... ( οσα λιγοτερα γνωριζεις τοσο περισσοτερα νομιζεις οτι ξερεις )
  22. 1) We dont use any forum for our list is independent code with mutch better from ancient topzone...( if you find a simple code from topzone send me) 2) is not about how to fix it - for sure if i had the solution it will be my pleasure to share it - but as i know TOP vote system is with Command. 3) this code isnt bad just need a small update for Java7 or 8 we are gonna make it for java 8. 4) Nobody talks with puzzles @haskovo Please try to find an other vote system not in-game NPC "my opinion" thare are individuals systems if you search abit
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