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Everything posted by Blitztrager

  1. @soulgringo, madhatter, mynameisnio, dageriux, eisaieleos, janekg16 Very nice spam - you cannot see hidden post but still posting. Maxtor would ban you but you will get -1 from Uncle Blitztrager and PM with this information. Anybody else wanna get gift from me?
  2. I think I found a way how to buff somebody who is in Olympiad It is working only on L2j. Not tested on L2-off. You need three chars: X player - person who will fight on Olympiad and will get buffs Y player - spectator who will observe Z player - key char - buffer Y and Z have to be married As you know nobody who is a Spectator of Olympiad can interfere with anybody in Olympiad stadium. Let's breake this rule. 1) X player - should participate in Olympiad. 2) Y player (any class) should go and became a Specator of incomming fight 3) Z player (buffer) should use .gotolove 4) Z will appear in Olympiad but as non-Specator 5) Z can start buffing player X Full buffed char should be able to win any Olympiad battle you can try to expand this exploit and for example try to hit somebody or use debuffs on enemy I don't know if the same will work during Siegie but you can always try to be an invisible archer who can shot enemy and do not be hitted or killed because nobody will see him/her :D Credits: Blitztrager
  3. I don't care about what exploit you are talking about and what exploits you know. You are talking about another exploit - spamming enchant skill button to get 98% chance to get success everytime - Unfortunately (for you) your exploit (posted and fixed months ago) is 100% different than mine. What's more you still insist you know my exploit but again you proved you don't know. So don't post trash/offtopic here. There is a special Spam section where you can express yourself in any way. My last warning to you. In case you want to add anything more just PM
  4. @Dadman Looking on your post count and your date registration I can assume you know rules and how this forum is working ...so why are you doing offtop here. There is a special section for help request. Could you try to post your request there?
  5. @nekci and D3vonico first your post, first your spam and first warning from me. Post is hidden but you are atill posting @ILMUKACH, antiKILLER, wargod05 spam. Post is hidden but you are atill posting. First warning @nurret SPAM. first warning Keep spamming and you will get -1 or/and ban for few days or/and ban forewer. Keep going
  6. Don't be so cruel ... I searched almost whole forum and I did not find so nice tutorial about this program. Yes I found 999 post with link to this program but without guide and explanations. I found few guides but ... russian and greek texts but no english so... thanks for this share. That's true it is old but there are still few C4 servers ;) and at least you can find something more about this program instead of pure link to rapidshare or other upload site.
  7. @temple13 I don't know why nobody gave you karma for this great working share. +1 from me !
  8. In my server was C4 and they installed Interlude OFF files. Price for AA rised from 3-5adena for each AA to ----> 25-40 adena for one AA LOL. However I don't know why there was so high rise. Maybe in interlude it is harder to get AA from cata mobs / maybe there was a very high AA demand on my server ... I don't know but you can try to buy some AA for relative cheap price- wait for Interlude and see if AA price will rise...
  9. Hi HaCkz0r, If you still do not get response I can ask on Mod forum Are you sure he is banned? I found that "Last Active: Today at 12:56:28 PM"
  10. @Killeroffline you postED existing exploit/ you said sorry .. you should search forum first instead of posting something again and say sorry incase MOD will find that... What's more it was posted twice: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=17810.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=15422.0 To other spammers - It is hidden for ppl with postcount below 50 so... NO can't REPLY TO SEE Warnings to all spammers - I will not give more warnings and not dekarma you only because you are new here ... If I see spam then -1 and -1 and -1 and your chance to be banned will increase dramaticaly. TOPIC CLOSED
  11. It is getting to be annoing seeing ppl posting only to make spam. @Xerxes is it a help section??? NO don't you know how to get more posts? Post something useful intead of spam. You are new here but even that you should read rules. First warning from me. If I see any more spam here - dekarma (-1) without even warning
  12. UPDATE - ADDED Newest IG 1.99 version A It is for korea server 2008.04.22 update Release IG 1.99A Walker can work with all server(USA,korea,Japan,thailand,SEA)
  13. It is a little bit old topic - do not dig old topic <LOCKED> PS GriFFt3r pm if you want to update your post and unlock topic
  14. Stop spam this old thread. This post was dated on on: August 18, 2007, 09:31:08 PM ... and there few newer versions. and you need one -1 for spam <LOCKED>
  15. First you cannot see hidden topic but still posting. Second it is not about enchanting weapon at all but about enchanting skills. Don't spam first and last warning before -1
  16. [Hidden Content] @Necrid3 you can't see hidden post but you are still posting. -1 from me as reward
  17. I am pretty sure this is a wrong section. Read rules. <LOCKED> and reported to delete
  18. <TOPIC LOCKED> it is wrong section. Mod will unlock it after moving to correct section.
  19. And how can you estimate if it is like 98% while you cannot see hidden topic? How can you know it is fixed while you again cannot see hidden text? Spam only for Spam? Actually it is /was 100% chance to success.
  20. What exploit variation/version did you used? [Hidden Content]
  21. @PkForAllNoobs (nice nick BTW :P) could you share on what server have you tested that? please hide server name :)
  22. You can't see it unless you have 233 post so ... there is no "post to see"
  23. You can always try to modify this exploit: [Hidden Content] There are more variation about the same exploit - run your imagination to find them :D if posted here do not work
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