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Everything posted by Blitztrager

  1. One question: Is this is working because there is an exploit when you are selling many items at the same time? OR With low AA price - like 4a per AA - I can sell even one Scroll with any profit? Thanks
  2. Could you clarify a little bit what do you mean? Do you want to see any movie where Antharas/Valakas was slain?
  3. Thanks Noble. now this is very clear. I was confused how it is working but now it is clear like pure water xD
  4. Thanks, I used your tips and yes I can say my Opera is faster. I wonder why so many people are still using IE. Bad habits? hehehe
  5. Great work, it is working for me perfect ^_^. Cheers
  6. @mirontun Have you did anything 'special' and not save? Do you think it is posible to use BOt as a shop and GM will not ban? Thanks
  7. C4 SERVERS + AntiBot System(2 worlds : One 4x & One 12x)/Dimension Rift/SSQ/Manor System/Subclass/Nobless/Hero/Macros/Over 5500+ ppl! www.ForbiddenGaming.com Info about game rates: * DEXTERNET: XP: 4x * QUEST XP: 4x * SP: 4x * ADENA: 4x * QUEST ADENA: 4x * SEALSTONE : 4x * ADENA DROP RATE: 70% * DROP: 4x * SPOIL: 4x * Wrath: XP: 12x * QUEST XP: 4x * SP: 10x * ADENA: 12x * QUEST ADENA: 4x * SEALSTONE : 4x * ADENA DROP RATE: 70% * DROP: 10x * SPOIL: 4x Curent event: Heavy Event Medals on Dex & Wrath SERVERS Hunt the monsters that dwell in the lands of Aden and Elmore to fill Collector Bashtal\'s medal collection. You will find two types during your search: Medals and Glittering Medals. Prizes Roy the Cat Roy the Cat will trade your Medals for a fantastic prize of your choice. Badge Prize Event Medals Beginner Rabbit Hyena Fox Wolf Greater Haste Potion 5 Greater Swift Attack Potion 10 Greater Magic Haste Potion 10 Quick Healing Potion 17 Blessed Scroll of Escape 250 Blessed Scroll of Resurrection 667 Scroll: Enchant Armor (D Grade) 25 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D Grade) 83 Scroll: Enchant Armor (C Grade) 67 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C Grade) 183 Scroll: Enchant Armor (B Grade) 267 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B Grade) 833 Scroll: Enchant Armor (A Grade) 833 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A Grade) 3,000 Red Party Mask 833 Red Soul Crystal - Stage 11 5,000 Green Soul Crystal - Stage 11 5,000 Blue Soul Crystal - Stage 11 5,000 Red Soul Crystal - Stage 12 10,000 Green Soul Crystal - Stage 12 10,000 Blue Soul Crystal - Stage 12 10,000 Sealed Majestic Necklace 6,240 Sealed Majestic Earring 4,680 Sealed Majestic Ring 3,120 Winnie the Cat You will need to raise your collector level to be eligible for many of the items. If you wish to raise your collector\'s level, see Winnie the Cat. By giving her Glittering Medals, you will have the opportunity to raise your collector level by playing a special game that will test your luck. Badge Glittering Medals (Per Chance) Beginner (No badge) Rabbit 5 Hyena 10 Fox 20 Wolf 40 Louie the Cat You may also run into Louie the Cat, a wandering traveler who also collects Medals and would be more than happy to trade some of his wondrous inventory... Item Event Medals Greater Haste Potion 4 Greater Swift Attack Potion 9 Greater Magic Haste Potion 9 Quick Healing Potion 16 Blessed Scroll of Escape 275 Blessed Scroll of Resurrection 734 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade D) 91 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C) 201 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade B) 916 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade A) 3,300 Red Party Mask 916 The event begins on Octomber 2 at 12:00 PM GMT+2 The Event Managers will remain in the villages until Octomber 27. Stay tuned to the message board for more events celebrating Lineage II DEX & ForbiddenGaming.com.
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