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Everything posted by Lin2Hektor

  1. drake2wow stfu u idiot
  2. all is up =) it was directly after a restart. our highrate project failed. so we will keep on boosting our lowrate. thats why you cant see highrate website
  3. Our lowrate is up since nearly 3 month now. no downtime no laggs. Join us now!
  4. Ye. Dear community our Highproject has officially failed. We are in true contact with our community. Since our Lowrate is running stable we will improove Gameplay and community on our Lowrate for ever. Anyway we are sorry for L2Khaos. we had nothing to do with ppl who spammed your Server forums / fb also to the other posted here. we banned them from our Server forum and Advertisment-reward will not be given out to them. Aswell still take in mind that i have nothing to with l2gagster project even i cannot find something on google about it. Just another failed Server. The Lineage 2 community nowerdays is hardly beeing satisfied due too much Servers. Anyway we will keep our work up for our beloved Lowrate. We will hold up L2FunFactory till forever. I wish your good luck with your l2khaos project balckseven. and now please stop hatin here thank you. we will decide soon what we gonna do with this project
  5. Serverstart today. Dont miss out . 7PM GMT+2 Be one of the first and join our epic saga!
  6. Launchdate tomorrow. Join now
  7. updater works perfect =) and link for patched system was added now.. try again please
  8. Highrate PVP x75 Open Beta starts today (01.12.14) in the evening ! Check it out now. Join the new Server x75 Launchdate: 05.12.14 Vote in our forum now many features or changes! CHECK NOW
  9. Highrate PVP x75 Open Beta starts today in the evening ! Check it out now. Join the new Server x75 Launchdate: 05.12.14 Vote in our forum now many features or changes! CHECK NOW
  10. Lowrate running 100% stable since 3 Month! Tomorrow open beta starts for our Highrate PVP [75x] Just 5 days left till Serverlaunch #05.12.14 #unique votesystem released Join our community now! http://l2funfactory.com
  11. 3 Month 100% Stable and Online! Join now! #unique votesystem released! http://l2funfactory.com
  12. he means a tool that directly restart the server if it crashes.. 1 by 1. i know there was a tool like this and i had it aswell but dunno if i can find it again.
  13. What Extender are you using ?
  14. What you mean ? Are you asking to buy VANG or ADVEXT L2Off Serverlicense ? If yes buy it from vang. Its cheaper + more function. Advext is not supporting so much aswell cause we arent russian xD + you need to pay for everything. bot protection , eventsystem etc. etc. So if you wanna do a 70x PVP Server use vangs files.
  15. Aswell we have done MSSQL Webbased Voterewardsystem which is working on all Topsites. There are 2 ways our system detects if the vote is down or not. 1) XML readout 2) API Key (which isnt supported by much sites but l2topzone for example) The System works like this : Login with your IG Acc. Start vote process. If all votes are done and detected you will be able to press "Claim Reward". After that Characterselection, so you can send ITEM ID (for example Votecoin) to your inventory. To limit hackers and abusers we limited it per IG acc. Means: Every 24h you are able to vote. If you done the vote and claimed your reward you must wait 24h. Countdowntimer is inside the system.. This evening i will make a post. And show it to you. Peace edit : option 3) to verify votes: cookie readout from votesites after vote is done
  16. Join now!
  17. Join now!
  18. http://twitch.tv/l2funfactory
  19. http://twitch.tv/l2funfactory
  20. On the Lowrate: Nearly 2 Month now. No downtime and 100% Stable. 24/7 Active Staff & alot Events. 05.12.14 Launchdate of our PVP Highrate Server. Dont miss out!
  21. Nearly 2 Month now: No downtime and 100% Stable. 24/7 Active Staff & alot Events. Watch aswell : 05.12.14 Our PVP Highrate comming up!
  22. this is l2off server ;)
  23. register in our forum and make a poll.. we will change if most of players see it your way=P peace
  24. http://twitch.tv/l2funfactory
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