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Everything posted by iPwnz0r

  1. Great guy. Have worked and traded with him for years. Always proffesional and friendly, highly recommend!
  2. bump still looking for plvl
  3. trusted buyer!
  4. WTB power SP I wont give my char info only leech! Can pay with adena or eur! PM
  5. 110e is too much. Tho ty anyways
  6. As topic says. WTB iss 99, nothing fancy! just a cheap iss 99, dont care for subs, oe skills etc ONLY trusted sellers!! I have vouches from known traders that will be provided. PM for skype
  7. Trusted and nice guy
  8. Still need power lvl on core! Can be online 24/7 and ill have all xp boost possible! Pm with price per hour or by lvl. Ty
  9. Wtb dark la top prefer +6 adena or eu
  10. No one on core offering plvl? Any offer will be replied
  11. Wtb plvl on core for 96-99 or w/e can pay in euro or prefer adena. Also price depends on speed. Pm here for skype (only leech if i dont know u)
  12. As title says offers in adena/items on core (only adena/item no rmt) i know the price so no lol offers please
  13. Read before u pm... need 99yul/dagger/feoh
  14. up WTB feoh/dagger/yul 99
  15. answered all PMs. Still LF char. and pls provide info and price. If anyone WTT top items naia for items on core or char PM + Some items i have on naia. +12 bloody bow 2sa (1922 p.atk) +6 eternal la set 3x120 (2 parts bloody, full bloody appaerence ) AQ soul Octavis ring war Soul Tezza Istina earring PvP stone wep Lidia belt And ALOT of adena
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