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About Doukakos

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  1. But there's a prob. C:\Program Files\League of Legends\Game I dont have this "Game" file..:X
  2. +1 Anima..same build with me. I prefer too Ap Katarina. Killer Insticts~>Sunpo~>DeathLotus+M.Penetration Runes=Godlike Dmg.
  3. I think Jax needs an Ap build,but its just the way you play him..btw thx for share..:)
  4. Thx for share! :)
  5. Usefull! Thx!
  6. +1 Lunatic PAizontai polla lefta...To walker kai ola ayta ta Bot systems para to gegonos oti oi dhmiourgoi GNWRIZOUN hdh thn ypar3h tous,ta afhnoun epitides...ISws na einai kai ayto pou les...oti oles oi etairies douleyoun gia thn ncsoft.... Apo ayta ta 26000 ACC pou efagan ban xasane apo 13000 E thn hmera...fantasteite twra....
  7. +1 Lunatic PAizontai polla lefta...To walker kai ola ayta ta Bot systems para to gegonos oti oi dhmiourgoi GNWRIZOUN hdh thn ypar3h tous,ta afhnoun epitides...ISws na einai kai ayto pou les...oti oles oi etairies douleyoun gia thn ncsoft.... Apo ayta ta 26000 ACC pou efagan ban xasane apo 13000 E thn hmera...fantasteite twra....
  8. Pragmati douleyei!ThX gia to share! To kako einai oti den deixnei ta items toy inventory.Paw na to programmatisw gia na bazei Greater Healing Potion kai den ta emfanizei.Kamia idea/lysh kanenas?
  9. There is a bug,but only a Sh and Necro can do that!You are doing Body to Mind and you hit the boxes with curse death link! ATTENTION: You have to be to the same lvl with the boxes to drop any adena and its very possible to make drop!(60%) Tested at:RPG The game server c4(Now he is closed)
  10. oops,yep,i will write it in English
  11. I would like to ask if there is any bug which we can farm. There is one,that you makep.x.k00f and you are n00b,you are going to the village of k00f and you hit the char you have created.The prob is that i dont know how the player you are farming on is standing again and again when you kill him.Pls,if there is any bug or programm about it, pls mention it! Thank you.
  12. Man i can't open l2php.exe,so now how can i find the port and protocol?OMg!!! Pls answer me :)Thx
  13. I downloaded the maps and i made a file called ''maps'' at my l2Walker file but they dont appear.Pls help me, i dont know what to do...Also i unziped them,and nothing.. I am dissapointed,OMG help me... :'( :-[ Thanks a lot!
  14. Pls,can anyone tell me how to place the scripts such as Koyfo posted...(Step by step pls) And the map pls,how can i do that?To be at my dir of l2 such as koyfo's. Because i am still Newbie with Walker and don't know well these things pls someone pro teach me!:) Thanks a lot! ^^ :P I wish to be a Pro Walker User Like U One Day... ;)
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