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  1. Oh, you need to use ex_buffer_schemes.sql to create necessary tables in your database Broken links to resources have been updated.
  2. Links to resources have been updated.
  3. @eScz this one was written for 401
  4. forgot to mention, that implementation of this code will cause problems with the default buffer implemented by @Tryskell, but officially he doesn't know about anything so let's keep it that way repeat: this patch comments a few lines in the current code and crappy buffer won't work properly - keep it secret.
  5. depends, but ... if your server is not runing in debug mode you don't have to modify content via eclipse (unless you want to keep it there or you want to do some changes in java files), otherwise just go directly to your already compiled datapack/gameserver files and do it there (notepad is all you need). after changes made to java files you have to compile it once again and copy l2jserver.jar (acis_gameserver/build/) and place it in your gameserver/libs/ folder, then run the server.
  6. thanks for feedback @andy1984, again! this is one of the reasons why we share code with other people, so we can run more tests together from every angle, the way we hadn't thought of before. to be clear - check was performed on the wrong target (code owner in this case instead of player, that wants to use code). gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/buffer/SchemeBufferManager.java @ 204 int playerId = _shareCodesPlayers.get(code); var playerSchemes = getSchemesForPlayer(playerId); if (playerSchemes.size() >= MAX_SCHEMES) replace with: int playerId = _shareCodesPlayers.get(code); var playerSchemes = getSchemesForPlayer(playerId); if (getSchemesForPlayer(player.getObjectId()).size() >= MAX_SCHEMES) buffs_master.patch has been replaced with a new one, containing this change.
  7. probably it won't even fully adapt to latest acis' commit without some changes and if you asking us if we gonna adapt it to mobius then answer is rather no. sorry, but it is a matter of limited time we currently have plus we rather don't want to work with other projects once we got to know and get used to acis.
  8. Buffs master, version 1.0! authors: @Agent @Caparso --- gladly presents our new vision of scheme buffer with brand new features - main goal was to create an extended effects manager, within responsive panels and to make it as much user-friendly as only possible. features: instant access to everything what is the most important, just in sight at main page. handy wizard to guide players through the stage of scheme's creation (step by step). manual buffs arrangement by moving any of effects inside scheme to elsewhere in the queue. perfect feature if you want to stack less crucial buffs at the beginning of your effects list. auto sort function is able to quickly reorganize list of selected effects in terms of usefulness, with simple mouse click. each custom scheme with own unique code (nani?!) - so players can share existing scheme with others or simply move it to another character. no client modifications are needed, as always we want to keep it that way! adaptation to acis' latest public branch (commit 401). some preview: https://streamable.com/n8esgm patch: buffs_master.patch use ex_buffer_schemes.sql to create necessary tables in your database! //spawn 50009 --- additional information regarding effects management: some may want to know how to unlock/disable effects - in this case go to bufferbuffs.xml (datapack/data/xml/). keep in mind we have included all known effects from the game divided by tabs for better orientation - some are simply deactivated, because it rather a matter of preference or some buffs duplicate each other. if you want to add or remove an effect, then just comment/uncomment it. this is also the right place if you want to change effect's price. please, be careful when changing buff description, because too long may cause unwanted visual effects by stretching of cells.
  9. my bad, forgot to include this in the patch. patch in the head thread has been updated, but you may use this patch as well to insert missing changes. - good eye, @andy1984!
  10. indeed, if you are still using older version we highly recommend to switch to newest one since old source is not so stable as we expected.
  11. adrenaline's authors are smart and highly experienced, plus with a proper tools you can bypass almost everything. we spend a lot of time in order to make this system functional and user-friendly. there are way more better solutions to fight with bots, but most of the time it also a big deal for normal players and it hits 'em in the face somehow. in my opinion nowadays mmorpgs are semi-automatic where word semi is so important in this puzzle. we still want players to be a part of the game so they have to keep an eye on their bots while farming!
  12. Bots prevention system, version 2.0! authors: @Agent @Caparso --- history of this project reaching back to 2015 and we are back in the business! special credits goes to: @Tryskell @Rootware @Hasha @SweeTs (each of them brought something to this project, in the present or in the past - we simply won't let it go) how does it work? prevention system was designed to put an end to unfair practices during farming process. extermination of monsters triggers an event with an limited time in order to validate human being behaviour, player have to choose corresponding pattern to match the randomly generated image. smooth and easy to solve for the human eye, doesn't bother the players much - as simple as possible! new version brings: more improvements and safeguards against attempts to bypass validation process (we are still working to make it even better in the future). visual changes supporting new behaviours and more user-friendly solutions, but is also better from an admin point of view (main concept remains the same and no client-side modifications are needed). an eye on players involving summons/pets into farming process. possible checks against supports. system counts party kills adjusting the counter based on the number and type of professions of the characters in the party, then triggers a verification process for selected classes of your choice (available variations: PP, SWS, BD, EE, SE, BP, WC, OL). rewarding system awards player with a selected type of item for passing the validation process correctly (we want to make lineage world a better place, so the whole process give in-game event vibes). visible countdown and additional safe period of time, giving the player some extra seconds to adapt to the situation. opportunity to allow a second attempt, so player can try one more time in case of incorrect verification. adaptation to acis' latest public branch (commit 401) - neat code, minimally violates existing source. most features can be turned on/off via configuration files, it's a matter of how much control you want to have over farming areas - the decision is yours! some screens: https://i.postimg.cc/vBXMxT8R/event.gif https://i.postimg.cc/VkPT111X/punishment.gif code preview? check it out on pastebin. patch: bots_prevention_system.patch put necessary prevention folder to: datapack/data/html/mods/
  13. update of expired sources, new download links available!
  14. well, ignoring the fact that this code is pretty old - yet none bypassed anything and just keep on talking. love how people compare themselves to the gods of hacking - c'mon, gimme something or you need another year? xD
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