Website is currently offline ( Under Construction )
Our forum will be up TODAY
You can spend the time for free discussions and vote in our polls that we've created specially for you dear community.
A new staff has took over the project and we are looking to improve a bit the features, lets say, we are making them a bit more modern, since most of you got families, real job, but however, you are still passionate about L2. Well, let me tell you a secret, we have the same passion as you, some people call it addiction, but sounds better passion :P
We would like to inform you guys that our pack is based on L2OFF PTS - Vanganth Extender
That being said lets present you a part of our ideas:
*Notice, all informations from the next list can be negociated by you untill the Grand Opening, by voting on forum polls.
Blaster - Explosive 70x
- Experience 70x
- Adena 100x
- GM Shop: up to A-Grade
- Main Town : Mithrill Shopping Zone
- S- Grade Armor, Jewelry and Weapons will be obtained by farming on our Custom zones
We will have only two farming areas:
- One area for Solo farming, you get the materials for S Grade by farming in this area, slowly, safe but surely !
- Second area is designed to raise up your adrenaline because you will find some "Party Monsters" that will make this zone look like a Party Area, but that's not all, you risk from time to time to get attacked by enemies, because the area will be Chaotic Zone
About Subclasses and Nobless there's no point to talk about, but as we did with the others we will let you guys to vote if you want to do it in a custom way, take them free, or using the retail way, doing the both quests, which to be honest I bend that you will choose it! xD
- Choose your buffers, the modern AIO Buffers or the additional NPC Buffers ?
* Buff Duration and Buff slot will be chosen by voting polls.
Weekly Sieges the place where a lot of blood flows to protect your throne. And also the Heroes where the brave warriors fight to obtain the most wanted status The Hero of hes class - Well, a ticklish subject but also you guys have the power to choose how this feature will be
There will be available a vote system for our server aswell - Poll opened for voting what kind of rewards to get by voting us.
Mana Potion delay or quantity voting by polls
Clan and Alliance leaving penalty