- Octavis ring (warior) +5 SOLD
- Istina necklace +4 SOLD
- Istina earring +4 SOLD
- Istina ring (warior) +4 SOLD
- Octavis earring (wizard) +4 50 EURO SOLD
- Istina earring (wizard) +4 65 EURO SOLD
- Istina necklace +5 SOLD
- 1 X Hunter Talismans 90 EURO SOLD
- Eternal Leather Set +4+120 SOLD
- Eternal Heavy Set +6+120 225 EURO SOLD
Pm here if interested, or skype: BulanelViorel , payment via paypal (gift), ofc money first, since I'm quiting the game i'm not interested in any scams or other sh1ts, i need recomands to make myself trusted.
Adena stock 0 B price 60 Euro each.