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G-hamsteR last won the day on January 17 2024

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About G-hamsteR

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  1. Why would someone need a list of forums? Could you provide any information?
  2. Check NevesOma: https://www.youtube.com/@NevesOmaCM/videos https://l2j-mod.ru/
  3. Search google for L2jMobius ACM. It's completely free.
  4. Hello, Does anyone have this collection? The link is broken.
  5. Amazing work and most importantly amazing support! Celestine was and still is there for me helping me out and listening to my requests. I suggest it to everyone!
  6. It's really great, but the shortcut on the desktop is not the updater's name. I have named my updater L2Bronze.exe but my desktop shortcut targets to Auris Updater.exe, which does not exist.
  7. The problem is solved. I really thank you all for your time and your help! I modified a code from another voicedcommand, which was used via Powerpak. What I did, was add these to Powerpak.java Luck luck_handler = new Luck(); VoicedCommandHandler.getInstance().registerVoicedCommandHandler(luck_handler); CustomBypassHandler.getInstance().registerCustomBypassHandler(luck_handler); System.out.println("Luck is Enabled.");
  8. Thank you very much for your replies! However, L2jFrozen has already the custom_ handler implemented. There are other NPCs with custom action. It's only mine that doesn't work :P This is what already exists: else if(_command.startsWith("custom_")) { L2PcInstance player = getClient().getActiveChar(); CustomBypassHandler.getInstance().handleBypass(player, _command); }
  9. Thank you for your reply! Unfortunately, I didn't get what you mean... I am sorry but I just started using Java. Would it be easy for you to explain a little more? Once again, thank you very much!
  10. Hello everyone and Happy New Year! I thought of making a voice command for gambling. What it does is by typing .luck a window appears and lets you choose an amount of adenas between 1kk, 10kk and 50kk. You have 50% chance to double them or lose them. However, when I click on a button nothing happens, while the Cancel button works fine. Here is the code: Luck.java: http://pastebin.com/1MA2VBEH HTML buttons: http://pastebin.com/71M50bHV It's coded for L2jFrozen Interlude, latest rev (1004). Thank you for your time reading this. I apologize for my low Java knowledge.
  11. Server is now x50 with crafting and spoil enabled for S-Grade weapons. You can check our website at http://l2bronze.com
  12. S Grade weapons are now obtainable with crafting and spoil. To add Special Ability to it needs mantras. Server starts in 2 days from now, Friday 14 June at 12:00 GMT+2
  13. Dear members of Maxcheaters, I would like to invite you to L2Bronze, a C4 PvP Server that starts on June 14th 2013! You can visit our website at http://l2bronze.com for more info, or visit our forums at http://l2bronze.com/forum I will provide you with some basic information below: Rate XP/SP: x50 Rate Adena: x55 No Max Enchant Safe Enchant: +3 Rate Enchant Weapon: 65 % Rate Enchant Others: 50 % Fully Working Olympiads Every month. Custom Shops for Weapons/Armors/Misc/Valuable Items. Farming Zones There are 4 farming zones to farm Mantras. Base Town: Aden. Everything can be found in Aden Working Sieges Raid Bosses Autoloot is only disabled in Raid Bosses Noblesse Requires Quest Maximun Subclasses 3, without quest. For some screenshots, you can visit our website here: http://l2bronze.com/index.html#gallery For all the lovers of old Chronicles, we would love to see you online! All classes are balanced! Website: http://l2bronze.com Forum: http://l2bronze.com/forum Facebook: http://facebook.com/L2Bronze
  14. Many changes are made and many bugs are fixed. It would be nice to give it a try :)
  15. Thank you for mentioning! It really was confusing
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