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  1. Kull thread name, despite that fact i still trust you more than all other sellers, with so fancy description how osam bot protection they are selling =)
  2. Well mate ,you are on your own :D That guy was saying in all the threads that he can bypass any protection and has the best protection for server, but i guess it was only the words. Ohh by the way i forgot about this one : https://www.l2jguard.org/en/ Its not so expensive,people was talking about it that it doesnt help to protect against 3rd programs , but it definetly gonna have all hwid functions. Anyway good luck mate ;)
  3. Lol deffinetly smartguard. As i know 3rd program protection is all about updates , you never gonna find 100 % working protection , cause it is gonna be always a new method to go around , but since smartguard keeps his software up to date ,with every update makes new way to protect it , and the same goes to 3rd program they have to make another way how to exploit. Btw check forums everybody looking for way around the smartguard but it seems like just few of them has it. lameguard is so useless that im not even gonna bother to explain.
  4. http://www.maxcheaters.com/user/74547-szakalaka/ This is your man. Try to contact him.
  5. https://smart-guard.eu/en/ Best services at the moment. As i know you can get box limit and hwid ban option , just with few client side edits. But smartguard includes all these options + powerfull protection against 3rd progams, but it cost quite a lot. Btw lameguard can do the same , but it is out dated long time ago and cost almost the same money as the smartguard. My suggestion: Use smartguard , but if you cant afford it , search for dev who works with protection in l2j. They can make hwid ban/client limit per hwid for less i guess. GL
  6. 500 euro :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: People stop paying this gipsy bastard, these files are are worth not more than 50 eur. You can find them even free shared, just remove backdoor which is easy to find or hire dev for find it for you. And you gonna have the same crap files as him has. He doesnt even changed description for 2-3 years , imagine what changes he made in source ? Bought BMW from your money long time ago , just stop paying for this bullshit. If you really want some good files and prepeared to pay 500 euros, there`s much more trusted people than this shit. BY THE WAY WHERE IS TEST SERVER!?!?!?! MODS ?
  7. It`s called retail like. And i dont think so that any of l2j pack has the retail like formulas of skills.. That is why im telling you such thing doesnt exist. And please translate this 7. Server must be add lots work. - whaaaaaaaaaaaa? 8. Server must be high rates. rates.properties xp=5000 , sp=5000 drop=5000 go kill. no offence
  8. What you want doesnt even exist. L2off skills. GL
  9. Well depends. Are you asking about pvp or low gameplay? The low rates games is quite fine and you can keep the community for longer time. But at the end we will still gonna have the same problem with pvp and low rates gameplays. Difference between new player and fully geared. Newcomer never gonna try to conquer the old server where the most of players are geared up and stuff. In this case newcomer leave the server. And result of that, old players after some "fun" time see no intrest of continue playing where he sees no challange. My opinion would be to make just small difference between gears stats or even players stats, result of that would be that newcomer doesnt feel so much difference between old players. That would maintain newcomers and keep the challanges for old players. By making it work like that , second step would be to make some personal skills things. I mean gear wouldnt count almost nothing. It would count how you played in that situation. Some things could be taken from others rpg games like removing targets stuff. To make like counterstrike cross so players which are casting skill he would control the cross and he cast skill on where cross points. Well we can disscuss about this for hours. But we have no such resources to make it happen. Sorry for shitty sentence,writing from phone..
  10. People doesnt know what they wants , you have to tell people what they wants. Number one rule in nowadays.
  11. To be clear lineage2 doesnt have balance at all. One class is better against other and this is retail stuff. Like archer < dagger. Dagger will always gonna have more chance to kill archer without problem. And if you wanna have a balance where every class is equal , you need to do custom balance + adding custom skills for some classes. Another thing which are nowadays popular is full buffs. Which unbalance the every char even more.. Some classes are more OP with full buffs. And some of them they didnt get so much from full buffs. So when you saying balance please think about what kind of balance you need. I had project with only main buffs + POW/POF/COV in buffer and it was perfect balance! But no one cares about server who has only small amount of buffs in buffer, nowadays everyone wants to be super duper fast. Which is the true side of our players nowadays. I laugh when someone post a recorded video from some server with unlimited mana and etc.. You just keep watching the same like for 4-5 minutes and what you see is only healing and that is it. 6-8 years ago it was different , you never know what is gonna happen. It was true lineage , all was about personal skills and equipment. Now is only equipment what counts. Just check it : It was time when the lineage was still lineage.
  12. Do you have it translated to EN ?
  13. It is still better than lameguard which are not updated for 2 years.. Isnt ?
  14. What is your experience with that protection ?
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