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  1. Thank you Folks for your good words!
  2. Hello Dear Players, We have decided to create something special for you, the new project we are preparing is Long Term High Five Chronicle x4. High Five Chronicle is considered to be one of the most popular and successful chronicle of Lineage 2. Some of the mechanics and balance of the game need much more attention. The new High Five Chronicle project is created by transferring it to a modern game client and thoroughly work on the balance and game-play, collecting the best and incorporating it all into a new project H5. Attention: Any BOT Program is allowed! so you are free to use any kind of Automatic Game Play you Wish! We decided to allow the BOT because everyone have his own real life, many of us have a Wife, Kids, Job, House, Bills to pay, etc... so you are free to use any AFK Bot you like! Server Rates Are: XP/SP: x4 Drop: x1 Spoil: x3 World Raids Drop: x5 Epic Raid Boss: x4 Quest Drop: x1 Quest Reward: x1 Enchant Rate: 60% Bless Enchant Rate: 70% Offline Shop/Craft Class Change: First 50k, Second: 100k Third: 1kk Buff Time: Retail (Dance/Songs/Summon Buffs: 10 min) Special Commands in Game that Players can use: .control or .cfg (Open your Personal Control Panel) .away & .back (Away Mode) .getreward (Get your Vote Reward, can be used every 12 Hours) .online (see how many people are online) .offline (set your offline shop) .repair (Repair a stucked character who is located on same account) .password old password new password new password (change your password) .buffstore (set offline buffer) .buffshield (protect you from unwanted buffs) .siege (siege information or Registration) .compine (Compine same Talismans into 1 with total time) .dressme (Add appearance to your armor or your weapon from diferent level equipment Cost: 5 Festival Coins No stats change) And Many Many More that you can see at ALT+B Community Board Academy Reward for Clans: Minimum Reward: 190 RP Maximum Reward: 950 RP Max Sub Level: 85 Forgotten Scrolls: Need Book Minimum Level to send Mails: 20 LvL Buffs & Dance/Songs Slots: 26/16 Transformation Skills: No Quest Subclass Quest: No Quest Nobless Quest: Can get with Vote. Retail PTS Party Bonus XP (Unique Function) Real Word Raidboss Statistics (Unique Function) Retail Official PTS Raidboss Skills (Unique Function) Clan Sieges are Every Weekend Territory War is Also Every Week. Vote Reward is the Donate Coin. Custom Teleporter added for Tower of Naia and Beleth Room. Baium is 83 LvL and Drops Vespers. Freya Instance no need Quest Frintezza Quest need only the Comand Channel Leader. (Quest Canget with PC Bank Points) We have Increase the Fame Reward at Sieges and Fortress Sieges: Castle Sieges: 900 Fame Fortress Sieges: 450 Fame Fix: World Raid Boss has been Fixed as Retail PTS. New Feature: We open for everyone Underground Area and we have add all the World Raids those are missed from the Previews Updates. Added: Added New Global Community Teleport to Underground Area. Fix: We have fix the Mob spawn time inside Catacombs and Necropolis. Fix: Fixed Missed Mobs of Cruma Tower. Upgrade: Increase the Mobs at Dragon Valley. This server Pack is Unique, we have worked on it over 2 Years, Also find all the mobs/raids working retail with his own skills. Website: https://www.lineage2club.com/ Forum: https://www.lineage2club.com/community/ Support Email: info@lineage2club.com Here you can Download File System and the Full Game Client Download System Patch v1 Live Server: Download Download High Five Clean Install: Download Other Downloads Adrenaline v1.71: Download L2NET High Five Edition: Download L2 Walker 2.19c High Five: Download Auto Creation for New Players
  3. trusted, trusted and again trusted.... so simple!!!! 1000%
  4. Nice...
  5. Thank you all for your Suggesions about the Beta server plus i want to thank you all players who has been tested successfully our Beta server. Beta Server has opened so people can test, and see the feautures of the server and choose to play or not. Our Team will not use any forum, there is an support panel that you can speak direct with our HGM, Admin and Developers for any problem you have in game. The Premium buffer will be stay as it is. so if you wish you can take an premium account and help the server growing faster. Any more questions will be answered at http://support.l2dex.com from our GM Team. Thank you all for your Suggesions and we hope to see you all in game.!
  6. All donate items can be earned by vote or pvp so i think it is ok, about the bot if you want you can use it.. its -20 lvl by our gm team. so you can risk it. and your name is?
  7. Here we have it, a rare server the likes you'll probably never see. Active developers, a community that's growing fast; and a name that'll grow to be on the tip of everyone's tongue. The server is Gracia High Five platform with 100% Working Instance - Stable Geodata - Don't miss out. BETA OPEN 15-02-2014 18:00 GMT +2 GAME FEATURES Rates and Experience General Rates has been modified in order to make game easier. Experience and Sp has been set x20. Getting x10 mats per mob will make the craft system a funny thing (dont worry about weight limit we deal with it and change it x3!!). At our GM Shop you can find the Basic Mats to begin your craft: Spoil Rates have been set the same, x10. Adena is x15. The Quest General rates reward is x2 for experience and Adena. Some important quest have been modified in order to give 3 items instead 1, and chance has been increased. The SealStones amount has been increased x10 Skills and Classes Skills Updates All Skills are updated and Tested to latest Retail. Npc Changes Baium Raid Changes The Level of Baium has been increased from 75 to 85, their stats have been also increased. Droplist for Baium have been updated, being able now to drop S84 grade Items. Valakas Raid Changes Droplist for Valakas have been updated, being able now to drop S84 Elegia and Top grade Weapons. RaidBoss SpawnTime adjustement Baium Spawn Time: 72 Hours +/- 4 Hours Freya Easy: Players must be minimum LvL 78 and minimum Players to Enter 11~27 Freya Hard: Players must be minimum LvL 80 and minimum Players to Enter 18~45 Frintezza: Players must be minimum LvL 78 and minimum Players to Enter 18~45 Orfen Spawn: 24 Hours +/- 2 Hours Queen Ant Spawn: 18 Hours +/- 6 Hours Antharas Spawn: 120 Hours -/+ 8 Hours Valakas Spawn: 120 Hours -/+ 8 Hours Zaken 60 lvl Instance Day Time Minimum players 7 max 27 Zaken 83 lvl Instance Day Time Minimum players 7 max 27 Zaken 60 lvl Instance Night Time Minimum players 18 max 45 Knoriks Spawn: 15~30 Min Server Extra Details: GoD Auction House Manager (located to every town) Heroes Every 15th and 1st (2 Times per Month) Free Subclass (no Quest for Subclass need.) Free 1st, 2th, and 3rd Class Quest. Max Subclass 85 LvL Offline Shop can be store up to 6 Items for Buy/Sell Limited 3 Clients per IP Allowed (If you are from an Internet Coffee send us an email with your Static IP to Lift the limitation of 3 Client/IP) Olympiad Participate per IP: 1 Event Participate per IP: 1 Clan Members Require for War: 5 Trade Chat Global Max Olympiad Matches per Week: 30 Command: .changepassword (you are able to change your password in game.) Command: .expoff/.expon (that stop getting experience points) Command: /Unstuck 20 sec Free Global Gatekeeper to every Town Town War - Auto Event Every Day TvT Event (RED vs BLUE Team) Auto Event Engine Every 12 Hours Vote System Reward (Event - Medals & Event - Glittering Medals) Vote Reward Manager GM Shop for Players Normal NPC Buffer (26+12 Buff Slots 2 Hours) Chaos NPC Buffer (Premium Account - 26+12 Buff Slots 2 Hours Enchated Buffs & Resists) NPC Exchange (You can trade Misc Items) Antifeed for pvp/pk/Reputation Points Antifeed Dualbox Improved A.I. NPC - Retail Some Photos: Beta Coming on 15-02-2014 GMT +2 Closing Beta Estimated: 20-02-2014 20:00 GMT +2 Estimated Final Opening Date: 22-02-2014 20:00 GMT +2 Visit us: Main Website: http://www.l2dex.com Support Panel: http://support.l2dex.com Account Manager: http://acm.l2dex.com General Information: info@l2dex.com https://www.facebook.com/lineage.highfive.5 We hope to see you all there!
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