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About vendedor1

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. trusted guy sold him 10kkk :)
  2. kadar its gm on this server too bastard server redemption like all his server's
  3. working i bought it
  4. buying lots of adena in lineage.eu for 1kkk each 20euro pm me here
  5. server its from revenger aka l2holiday
  6. go lick holiday admin in the ass more please
  7. That's why u answer me since , semes you care everyone who has a brain know that you are friend with admin of l2holidays .
  8. That's why u make group on skype to spam l2 Holidays and you told everyone on ts3 that you and messi have full acces on database and gm acc .
  9. achylek and messi are friends from the admin , they will have epics and full items so better not to play this server .
  10. :happyforever: :happyforever:
  11. i agree on the part many people online but gm always help when i need help hahahhaha
  12. list of item i have on tales: Vorpal light set + 6 full attr same as robe Vesper foundation set +7 full attribute have light heavy or robe Vesper bow found +7 skull bow +8 Vesper caster +9 Vesper buster +6 Venliplate +7 ,periel dual +8,zaken,aq,friteezza 35kkk adena i want on rpg club item or adena or rur thx add me on skype pepe.picapiedras
  13. Scammer nuub :D , ( you give first )
  14. trusted 100% sold to him 2b adena up :)
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