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Everything posted by Malibu

  1. wanted to try but it dont work anymore
  2. no you must do dmg with low levels atleast 50%
  3. no it fix itself after restart
  4. dualbox is very easy already! i want prog for 8box :D
  5. omfg i love new l2 stuff its so cool
  6. Kite him!! Kite him around and do dmg while he follows the player, or use Medi with entire clan and have the angels help you with dmg "Buff Angels"
  7. +1 wit = 4% casting speed
  8. also: www.lineage2.stratics.com
  9. get lucky charm :D
  10. very nice pics! this isfunny forum :D
  11. Raven10x! the best :D
  12. wow.. didnt know this.. lol
  13. nice but i like Trend Micro
  14. doesnt work :(
  15. in c5 necro really gets nerfed badly :X
  16. you need to kill it during the day, at night he is very strong
  17. nice guide! we killed him in 25 minutes
  18. It works in some servers, but not as good as before :'(
  19. its keylogger
  20. heh i think wit better tho :D
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