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Everything posted by @Hulk

  1. 16:00 will be the time of event every sunday so it will be done before last day of Olympiad week start.
  2. We are just happy to hear that you like it, we appreciate your nice words. We are looking to do something new, and till now it seems that we succeed . UPDATE 5 : New unique feature added. Check the Unique Features at 8.Sunday PVP Zone event
  3. We are glad to hear that mate , see you on the opening ! Don't miss it the first 2 days starters will have some benefits.
  4. Update 4 : Server got accepted on TOPZONE, we are not with the Opening Soon status you can help us with a vote . On our website : http://www.l2hellsgates.com Or here on the post [On the bottom of the post we added the vote banner]
  5. It's Christmas time, ask Santa for a paid bot.
  6. This will make the game more dynamic , there will be more action and things to do.
  7. Yes the buffs time it's 2h and yes you have scheme.
  8. No, they wont. This is the idea if you want +30 buff you will farm for GCM/GC and than you will have it. As we say "Not a mid rate, not a instant pvp . A new high rate experience"
  9. If you referee to custom skills & classes , no there are not . If you referee to balance yes everything it's balanced by every point of view.
  10. It won't be beta since everything is tested by people + staff members in the near past, we worked way too much on our files and our gameserver and we can't afford mistakes. All is working fine and everything is tested and fixed (if there were errors) before we announced our server. We are now focused on advert . We are glad to see players that are giving interest about our server.
  11. It's all about you the players. UPDATE 3 : Server advert event added to the event section on post and our forum .
  12. We will wait you ingame. UPDATE 2 : New special events section added to the post + the clan event release .
  13. Thank you for the good wishes ! We are waiting for you on the opening date.
  14. We want to see all the players satisfied . We are doing all we can to make you happy. Thank you for showing so much interest, you won't be disappointed.
  15. UPDATE: New event added that will take place the 7th day of our server. Great reward for winners . Check it here : http://l2hellsgates.com/community/index.php?topic=11.0
  16. we added a new protection on forum so that was all about, it's up and running.
  17. We are waiting for you and your friends !
  18. Thank you,you can also follow our forum for more news,you can register your clan in our clans events when we will reveal it,because we plan a clan event.Have a nice stay with your budds,regards
  19. maybe is from vista
  20. Rates : Exp - 1000 x Sp - 1000 x Enchant : Safe : + 4 Maximum : +16 Normal enchant scrolls - 65 % Blessed enchant scrolls - 80 % Atribute : Elemental Stone max level : 7 Level 4 and 7 - 80% | Farmable 1 . Special Clan Halls siege There will be a raid boss in the special clan hall zone that will drop a unique coin and the clan-party that will have it, will win the clan hall. Benefits : - The best looking Lineage 2 Clan Halls in the most epic zones of the map. - Unique Cloak for the clan members. 2 . Visual skins The biggest part of the servers have the .dressme right? Here it dose not exist. We have instead visual skins there you will exchage your weapon for a new visual that you can't change back. - Every 2 weeks new visuals are going to be added. - You will choose what we will add with forum polls . - If you want in future we can add armors also, the polls will decide. 3 . Custom Raid Bosses There will be 3 Raid Bosses with 4-5 hours spawn [ their spawn will be announced ] . - Each one of them will have Raid Boss jewels , so you will farm all of them to get a full set . - They will drop each time , but between 1-3 (for example : 1st Raid has Frintezza/Freya/Valakas you will have the chance to drop : 1 Frintezza / 1 Valaks or 1 Frintezza or the best situation all of them) - Each raid will have the Raid Bosses cloak . 4 . Cloaks There are cloaks that suit your armor set, and they give you a look that will be unique. You can excahnge the simple one for : - Elegia Cloak / Vesper Cloak / Vorpal Cloak / Moirai Cloak 5 . Foundation Why do we have foundation ? - If you are a mid rate player and you want to change the server style, and we don't have foundation we affect your play style . SO, we have a foundation upgrader shop for armors . - That will help you to play as you wish. 6 . Custom start In the special starting zone, you will get some help - There is going to be a npc that will give you a free set of moirai armor / icarus weapon / moirai jewels. 7 . Farm You may ask what is so unique about the farm? - There will be 2 mobs, one that you will start to farm first , and the other that you will farm it after you get vesper. - So, here is the thing you need to get vesper before you start killing the other mob. We made it that you will pass through all the armor sets/weapons. - You can keep vesper if you are going to make it foundation, or get vorpal/elegia for a faster farm. 8. Sunday PVP Zone event What is this? - Well, every Sunday a Gatekeeper will be spawned and you will enter there. - The zone it's auto-flag , and there for each kill you will get a special reward. - If you die, you can't come back ; That's the rule. 9. Daily GM events You may say : Yes, everyone has that. Here will be something that will change your mind about a GM event. Forget H&S, Russian Roulette etc. We can't tell you right now, this will be a surprise . - A little spoiler is that the name of the first day major event it's : Black Winter . Start/End - 18:00 (UTC +2) / 00:00 (UTC +2) Heroes every 1 weeks. Max Enchant in Olympiad : +6. Non Class : Requieres 11 people to call. .ccp .password .repair .join/.leave .online .getreward For more details you can check those special events on our forum. l2hellsgates.com l2hellsgates.com/forum PRE-Opening SUPPORT :
  21. if i am not wrong it's the only way
  22. calm down brother
  23. there must be a program
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