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Everything posted by mardaniel

  1. Hello, WTB TOI 6 + BO jawels +6
  2. Hello I want to buy account 60lvl + with mail only ( PP / BD / WC ) pm offetrs
  3. Hello Account Dominator 79lvl BW Light set +6+8 SOES +8 Agu ISS 13 10% c.speed Mace Underwold +8 Jawels BO + to pick up 79lvl daily epic jawels 7day I make screenshot PM me and leave skype + offert Paypal
  4. Hi i want to buy BW Heavy/light/robe set +8
  5. Trusted !!! :)
  6. Wts account necro 78lvl naked 10euro paypal leave skype on pm 100% safe
  7. Hi WTB account GH / TH 76lvl + Naked or with ithems Pm me on forum and leave price + skype ONLY TODAY
  8. Hello I want sell accounts in l2 classic.club 3c WL 66lvl Sorc 72lvl + email SWS 66lvl + email Prophet 55lvl WC 58lvl pm me here and whats ur offert
  9. WTB PROPHET on serwer l2classic.club 3x ONLY WITH MAIL!!!!
  10. WTB Elementar summoner Bishop Prophet 58LVL + account + mail only
  11. add me in skype mardanieldex
  12. WTB on L2classic.club 3x talking island SE or EE 60lvl + WITH MAIL only
  13. Trusted :) quickly without problems
  14. HI Need to buy account ADENA 100kk + PROPHET ~55lvl OR leveling my char 1-> 60 lvl Leave skype
  15. WTB ADENA 100kk+ AND ACCOUNT Prophet 50+ WC 50+ Leave me skype or leave offert on forum
  16. HI WTB Clan Full SKILL
  17. WTB on L2saga ADENA QA B.ZAKEN BAIUM SKULL EDGE/DUAL PM me or leave skype
  18. Hi Want to buy QA ring and Zaken Oferrt Pm me at the forum
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