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Everything posted by Keron

  1. I am not that noob :p, I already did it. Thx for help anyway.
  2. after i press f this appears
  3. the 1st two yes, where is ls.prop
  4. I already tried the default name.
  5. Hi guys, Everytime I try to install the DB I get the error Unknown Database 'name of the DB' and shit. I know I am a newb in developing stuff so I ask for your help. Thanks in advance.
  6. To provlima sou pio einai? Dld eleos re c goustarei to paidi na metafrasei to l2 kai tha ton peis kai 12hrono kai ratsisth gt metafrazei kt? Antithes kai magkia tou gt tha einai o prwtos p tha ta ehei kataferei..
  7. Lol lots of requests, i there a feature to block PM's? :P
  8. Ok master I will make you another, may the force be with you son.
  9. Made something fast for you :p Tell me if you don't like it and i give another try
  10. Jesus now that's art!
  11. I'll do it for my k4rm4arr0ws or whatever i can't type his name correctly :p, i'll do it tomorrow!
  12. Keron

    Top 5 Games

    1)Lineage 2 2)Assassin's Creed 3)Crysis 4)Dota 5)SA:MP
  13. 14 y.o.
  14. Oh man please fuck you seriously.
  15. Keron


  16. Anyway i found 15 minutes free time and decided to make you one too because as I said, make me one and I'll make you one^^ Edit : sorry geia to double post alla etsi kai alios ta post edw dn metrane.
  17. thx i think ii may use the animated one, and btw if you want to see some sigs made by me check here --> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=25308.0 i am in my school exams period and don't have much time to make a new one. i might release the psd of one of that three sigs i posted.
  18. Stin prwti gymnasiou konta eimouna :p alla twra oxi. Exeis klash thn giagia sou sthn mapa?
  19. Now that was a fail.
  20. Make me one and i will make you one ;P
  21. Post here please 3 of your best signatures YOU made! I'll start: 1# 2# 3# (Not 100% by me) In all the sigs you always see a different. That because the 2 first were some requests of some guys and Xaen is aka Keron^^ Those 3 are my favorite <3.
  22. Project-7.Net CS:S Hack v3.2 Status: Undetected BY VAC2 at day of release +ChangeLog+ Updated VAC2 Proof Re Added speed for ragers <3 features: Aimbot- Bone Aiming Bone Aiming Adjustments Vector Aiming Vector Aiming Adjustments Draw Aimspot Target By FOV Target By Distance Aimkey 1-5 Aimthru on mouse1 Autowall ( decent-ish, Not Material based ) Auto shoot Correct Spread - 1 = Thundaga 2 = GANS6 Correct Recoil - removed visual and normal recoil Player Perspective[ESP]- Triggerbot Radar Hack Healthbars Optical PlayerInfo NoFlash/Smoke Crosshair Visuals- D Lights Wireframe Weapons no-sky no-hands Show Aim FOV ASUS Wallhack - not a shity mat proxy one either. Wallhack transparancy editor WallColor WallColor Editor Skinhack AntiAim- On/off Custom Angle Misc- b-hop Rapid Pistol Round say ( reads from .txt file ) radio say - spams enemy down every headshot Speedhack- Speedkey Speedfactor Buy-Bot- Autobuy m4/ak autobuy awp/deagle autobuy p90/deagle disable Configs Load Custom Configs Load Aim Vecs User Ability To add there own configs into menu Credits: patrick tetsuo h1web t0ny avitamin pizzapan GD Downlaod: [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/117679232/www.project-7.net_CSS_3.2.rar[/url] Notice if you have any problem PM me so we can solve it.
  23. I can help you with this as a Global Moderator and I can also manage the design of the forum and if you can also open a GFX section like other big warez sites, i can post there sigs that I've done.
  24. I am a Super Moderator (something like Global Mod) to their site so i'll post every hack from them that is out. Thanks for the karma too.
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