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Everything posted by Keron

  1. I just saw Goddess asked for her name to be removed lol... No, you're not "clean" as you say and you know that. I remember you before some weeks layer ripping...
  2. No I mean another one but I'm not feeling like posting it... I want to see what Goddess has to tell. Actually I want her to admit that she ripped some layers... If she doesn't admit it then I'll probably post it.
  3. Actually in this sig she ripped some layers from another PSD :P
  4. I guess you don't know what layer ripping is..
  5. Now you are just layer ripping?
  6. Thanks you all for your comments guys! :) Actually this sig was made for me so I don't think I'll change the name, sorry =/
  7. A pretty cool render if you ask me. You can apply lots of effects on it easily but as I already stated in the past I like simple things.
  8. Yeah. This is the render I used (Resized)
  9. Because I saw many people are posting these kind of sigs I thought I should post mine too. It's pretty old... DS and MD saw it already on their forum a while ago but anyway. Here it is. I would be glad if I could get some tips. I'll prolly release the PSD of it someday when I am not bored.
  10. CM Punk? Meh? :P
  11. Thanks for the comments and the suggestions guys. By the way I put the text there because I personally think it continues the "flow"
  12. I am trying to get back in shape so I would really appreciate any suggestion.
  13. Thanks for your ratings. And Blane, yeah I know about the text. My friend wanted it that way so I couldn't do something else.
  14. Thanks. Any more comments?
  15. Well... After some months I opened again Photoshop and tried to do something for my friend. Although he likes it I thing I failed at some parts. I had to add a lot of contrast because the quality of him (the main render sucked)... I personally think I succeeded in adding depth, lightning and the correct placement. Anyway here it is. Please CnC
  16. Pretty pathetic, don't you think? :P
  17. I mean come on, second sig ripped. But I guess the others are ripped too... You weren't even smart enough no to use a PSD file that isn't posted here. Guys (In your case girls) like you really piss me off. I mean you still gonna say it's yours like in the previous thread.
  18. Flower do you think you are talking to idiots? Firstly look at the day when this master piece was submitted... Submitted: April 19 You couldn't even draw a line back then. Secondly just take a look at escord's gallery. Look at the work he has done and the dates the wallys and crap were added. The first one was in 2007... You registered in 2009 and couldn't even open photoshop. I haven't seen a more failing and childish attempt to fool some people than this one. Grow up and get a life. And again, I have to remind you, you are not talking to fools.
  19. Since when did you become a ripper too?
  20. I have to agree with what MD and Blane said. And be careful with the text, most people see it as a minor part of a signature although I'll have to disagree. For example in this signature you destroyed a little the focal point. With the right use of effects and placement of the text you can accomplish a lot of things, you could even improve the flow or the depth of a sig. One of my favorite ways to add a text is finding the right place to place it and then creating the text like I want it with Cinema 4D. It gives a pretty awesome depth and it is also a cool effect. It depends of course on how you create the text.
  21. Pretty awesome tutorial you posted there. Learned some really useful stuff.
  22. Actually he is Zoro :P Anyway I still think you haven't improved anything from the last sig of yours. The colors still don't match and the text could be better. Also the lightning of the render should get improved. I would suggest you to continue reading guides.
  23. Isn't the lightning source wrong? Correct me if I am wrong with this but the light comes from right and the render is "painted" like it comes from the left.
  24. Yeah I recently registered
  25. I don't know if this is okay but anyway.
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