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Everything posted by Zinx

  1. I was wondering if anyone could help make me a Lineage 2 clan crest + ally crest i have photoshop but im very new to it and not great at it. im looking for something like a V my clans name is Vendetta Let me know if you can help out! colors dont matter just something different so it stands out! Thank You!
  2. If you dont play L2 dont post here your opinion doesnt matter. I will be playing on l2 MxC
  3. also i am the clan leader i'm looking towards and Interlude Client. Go on the forums and we can talk!
  4. dont flame on this section.
  5. oooo im excited :D
  6. Im looking for a nice Lineage 2 signature. Something like a paladin class or something like that I playe a Phoneix Knight so i want something related to it like my signature below with my name on it also! Please help me out if possible!! I dont mind the colors render: http://planetrenders.net/Lineage-2---Human-PSD47357.html something like that or whatever works! colors dark or light work!
  7. gonna take some time
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