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Everything posted by Zinx

  1. for everyone to fucking move on from interlude servers because they all die within a month! lol
  2. server is nothing like l2extreme i doubt any of you even played the server when it came out, give up on the dream of l2extreme actually being a server again its dead and gone.
  3. Looking for a server thats either interlude or anywhere in between that to high 5 something with fun unique features pvp orienated of course 75x+ and double the Adena rate of XP custom weapons because custom features help server population everyones tired of the same fucking armor honestly if there is any developer out there who is thinking of creating a private server and needs help with ideas id love to join the team just message me! i have over 8+ years of experience with lineage 2 so i know all of what the people want LEMME KNOW!
  4. Looking for a unique signature if anyone has time to make one! Text: Zinx Color: Black/Red/White (something like the render) Render: http://planetrenders.net/renders/lineage-2-human.47357/ thank you
  5. I havent played l2 in quite some time so im looking for another good private server with mid rates and thats highly populated with english speakers, anyone know what servers are popular right now?
  6. honestly high rates dont last as much as you want it to, you really gotta focus more mid rate with unique features, thats just my personal experience of being an l2 player since C2.
  7. depends how long do you plan on keeping this server alive?
  8. not too bad.
  9. im not smart with all that shitt, do it for me :)
  10. was wondering if anyone knows how to have your dmg setup like on this video where it shows skill and dmg.
  11. you guys open and close like 100x right?
  12. l2 revenge was da shittt but i hate interlude but yeah lol
  13. server opens in 8hrs looking for active members still
  14. my clan might be joing on lineageii.net interlude 100x server! need active members!!
  15. yeah i like it very unique thank you
  16. Is there any way you can get a text pop up like how it is on GoD for dmg/heal and all that can you get that on interlude?
  17. bump
  18. what server?
  19. Well im from the U.S and its really hard to build a clan with the time zones so im trying to recruit as many americans as i can! If interested in playing Interlude Client! please come join me and lets take over!!! Or if you speak and understand english well please come and join me! I'm recruiting as many as I can to be more organized! http://vendetta.x10.bz/
  20. this server is meant for pvp, thats the concept of it nothing else. its quite fun
  21. Type: (Signature) Size : 470x240 Theme : Lineage 2 Theme Text : Zinx Subtext : Style : Your choice you're the artists Render: http://planetrenders.net/Lineage-2---Human-PSD47357.html Any other information for the designer :
  22. i like it! i just wanna see other signatures :D
  23. looks exactly like l2inc.eu setup
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