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Everything posted by tsoukis

  1. as i know we cant bypass it yet maybe in future/ if u try to delete it or destroy it u cant have an access in game.
  2. pfff useless only client side u cant do anything only to make yourself happy:P
  3. yes thats the post but samigas cant see it so spam the forum!!!
  4. first use search dont w8 to give u exploits in your hands! Second welcome and try to get your posts that u need or donate:P! GL at that forum!!!
  5. in my opinion only third party programms works nothing else! only on servers that sucks u can use any other exploits like hlapex and l2phx
  6. u cant use nothing on bakeice server!! bakeice dont leave u to login or use other programms when u open l2
  7. hellbound has new data so yes l2phx works on that servers but to use we must find the new hellbound or CT packets cause the others dont work anymore
  8. very nice collection must be stickie!!
  9. nice and also very funny not usefull but funny!
  10. Nice and it works perfect!
  11. Hi guys!!! Any bugs or exploits\hacks that works on that server??????
  12. LineAge Utils 1.6. support all features you know from 1.5 up to LineAge 2 CT 1 https://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=801106 download : http://downloads.sourceforge.net/lau/lausetup.1.6.6.exe?modtime=1210775835&big_mirror=0
  13. WTS for real money(only guys from Athens) .tallum robe set, .bluewolf set(exept breastplate), .vallhala (acumen) .dessparion stuff .avadon robe set .dark crystal leather armor upperbody .duall sls .also sell necro 77lvl 3rd class with almost finish sub quest (ask me for the e-mail)
  14. the abyss open new x5 server and i would like to know if l2walker works on this server! and if it works post plz the walker! ty for help! its very new server its 4days server and has 2.5k players its very good server no lag and its c6!!!!!!!! try it!
  15. Poulaw Halisha +10 kai Halisha +12.Opoios menei a8ina kai 8elei kapoio apo ayta ta 2 as mou kanei post kai 8a sinenoi8oume gia na ginei to trade.
  16. poulaw peril quick recovery kai doom light set se pedia pou menoun sta peri3 tis a8inas.post edo gia na sas doso to kinito mou gia na sinenoi8oume.n ipen8imiso pos einai gia ton topaz x7 server ston la 2 crazy C6.
  17. kane search gt t thes ola sto xerh den mporei n mhn exei tpt apolitos
  18. eleos piaden paleueste
  19. the name of the server?
  20. anyone who knows something???? something that work?
  21. tsend a link of a server it looks funny!:P
  22. nice ty man!!!!
  23. ver nice video!:)
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