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Everything posted by tsoukis

  1. cant handle a server with that pc .....really no chance unless u wanna play u and your friend :)
  2. official ofc :) best l2 experience ever 86lvl class siegel knight server shillen name Guyana!!!
  3. l2 vitality worst ever
  4. c4 c6 and latest GOD
  5. not interested!! seems to boring
  6. ofcourse play official whats the point of private servers anymore?(only if u play low rates) unless go to a private noobhigh server :)
  7. only for professionals ^^
  8. kalo share gg
  9. nice! works
  10. l2net for sure
  11. it says that connecting but stay like this no error but all the time the same!! any answers?
  12. Guys,i am from unforgiven clan.Its one of the clans which will join the server.If you wanna join us,follow this link and make us a post in our clan's forum: www.fearnblood.webs.com
  13. yea this server is great i am w8ing too!!!!
  14. man u cant see it why u spam! plz dont!
  15. u have right but i was very ungry about that! But as u see nobody cares the post get sticky by nitrous and thats it! no replies nothing the end! Just nabs!
  16. U freaky f@$%%g b@%@#rds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I MAKE THAT POST NOOBS U DELETE MINE AND PUT STICKY YOUR??????????????????????????? m@#$$ers!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THATS CRAZY UNFAIR PLZ SOMEONE WHO SEE MY TOPIC FIRST SPEAK!!!!!!!!!11 DELETE THAT POST AND PUT HERE My POST WITH MY NAME WHO NITROUS KID DELETE IT!!!
  17. ok guys i modified my first post this is a way to use it again and again!
  18. l2 elixir para polu kalos server alla top low rate gia mena server mesa s ola auta t xronia p pezw l2 www.theabyss.eu para polu kala stimenos uperoxo community diafora rates n epilekseis k oloi panw apo 2k kosmo k max p exw dei 4.5-5k tetio kosmo den exw ksanadei pote s server!! poiothta!
  19. l2controlPro 3.6 with lisence : http://leteckaposta.cz/474206406 The program has the following functions: Graphic display of characters to a radar with the instruction of height Display of characters by the list(class, sub, nobless/hero) and a clan Switching of a mode "radar" / "list" Sorting by class/range/animosities The hotkey "the first target" - chooses the first target from the list of a radar AutoCP/GHP/QHP Sound preventions A choice from the list of the character of a radar Lists of characters(KOS)/clans for definition of enemies Display of characters which hold you on "target" The option to show died characters Record of a chat Record of title of treaders "Auto-assist" - a choice of the purpose set on by assist "Auto-target" - from the list on a hotkey Built in Multiwin Algorithm "RECHARGE" and "HEALER" for the second character Display equipment of the enemy Function of "pilot" Guide for bypassing the lisence if u dont have the pro version with the serial key : next download trial-reset: http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1966398 some antivirus programs will pop-up viruses or trojans,but ignore it,its becouse its a cracking software,but its save ok unpack and run trial-reset.Now run the l2control and click on OK and wait till lineage starts.Ok now exit l2 and l2control.Run the trial-reset program and use the "Armadillo scan" : the scan should find 6 matches if found,then simply clear the licence and u can run l2control again and you will have 10 more day to use you can repeat this how many times u want,the l2control licence will get reseted everytime. note : if the trial reset finds more matches,look at the dates when the licence was created,so you are sure you delete the right things :P note2 : use the trial-reset on your own risk,I will not be responsible if u delete someting u shouldnt
  20. Hi all the new version of ACP (Auto Combat Points) is here ! This version is the best of all till now : has english translation,bypasses protections and injects the l2 client,enables controling 2 windows - u can setup a bufpet for instant heals and recharges (very usefull on servers with dualboxes allowed and igw/bot protection),more setup options for cp/hp/mp recovery and much more ! The archive contains also a russian user manual!! Like i said the best version i had till now :] Just simply check http://www.2shared.com/file/4208102/b81799cb/123_ACP204.html ! and try out the new ACP !
  21. lol nice congratulations!!
  22. i dont think so but maybe u can create one if u have the knowledge
  23. k oi 2 servers einai kamenoi mathete n pezete piotikous servers autoi oi servers einai gia 1 2 meres paixnidi maresei p diskoleuese n epilekseis :P
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