l2controlPro 3.6 with lisence : http://leteckaposta.cz/474206406
The program has the following functions:
Graphic display of characters to a radar with the instruction of height
Display of characters by the list(class, sub, nobless/hero) and a clan
Switching of a mode "radar" / "list"
Sorting by class/range/animosities
The hotkey "the first target" - chooses the first target from the list of a radar
Sound preventions
A choice from the list of the character of a radar
Lists of characters(KOS)/clans for definition of enemies
Display of characters which hold you on "target"
The option to show died characters
Record of a chat
Record of title of treaders
"Auto-assist" - a choice of the purpose set on by assist
"Auto-target" - from the list on a hotkey
Built in Multiwin
Algorithm "RECHARGE" and "HEALER" for the second character
Display equipment of the enemy
Function of "pilot"
Guide for bypassing the lisence if u dont have the pro version with the serial key :
next download trial-reset: http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1966398
some antivirus programs will pop-up viruses or trojans,but ignore it,its becouse its a cracking software,but its save
ok unpack and run trial-reset.Now run the l2control and click on OK and wait till lineage starts.Ok now exit l2 and l2control.Run the trial-reset program and use the "Armadillo scan" :
the scan should find 6 matches
if found,then simply clear the licence and u can run l2control again and you will have 10 more day to use you can repeat this how many times u want,the l2control licence will get reseted everytime.
note : if the trial reset finds more matches,look at the dates when the licence was created,so you are sure you delete the right things :P
note2 : use the trial-reset on your own risk,I will not be responsible if u delete someting u shouldnt