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Everything posted by fanara

  1. nice, maybe ill use it for my site
  2. l2j C4 has stopped developing so if you have problems you wont be supported by the l2j team....
  3. logika tha prp na sou dinoun download link me ta updates ews thn imera pou allaksan ton updater se kamael alliws dn ginetai
  4. pos ginete na allakseis ta cmd apo thn db?
  5. l2 athebaldt ellinikos....
  6. nomizw to exoun ksanapostarei......
  7. swstos.
  8. ps3 FTW of course
  9. dn nomizw na boithas etsi, legontas na spasei to GG :P
  10. l2 mafia einai o ellinikos.....
  11. ok, thanx alot for your assistance!
  12. yes, i want this machine just for start. BTW, whats better, CentOS, or Wundows 2003 server?
  13. ok man, eyxaristw!
  14. are you sure? Guys, i dont care for a big machine, stay on topic, and answer if you want my question. If you cant, dont even bother raising your post count.
  15. 100mbit. Afiste to internet dn mas pirazei, to mixanima pos paei....
  16. * Intel Celeron 1.6Ghz, New Generation * 320GB Hard Disk * 1GB RAM * 1000GB Traffic Hom much people do you think it can handle?
  17. Paidia, thelw na rwtisw poso peripou players tha xwraei enas tetios server * Intel Celeron 1.6Ghz, New Generation * 320GB Hard Disk * 1GB RAM * 1000GB Traffic Ti lete?
  18. popo file, GAMISES! ontws etsi einai, alla oxi kai NoLifers.... aplos pisteuw einai aytoi pou dn goustaroun ta emo, kai ton tropo tous.... are mlkismena emo......exete ta lefta sas, ta brakia sas, to fagito sas, kai sas fenete straba o kosmos.....alla bebea, dn exete perasei apo xounta, apo polemo..........malakismena...........
  19. its not if the owner gives you permission
  20. dont download it its a trojan...
  21. .....so? ppl call it C6..... hmmm.... has anybody scanned it?
  22. hmmm, in your patch, you have the epic files, but theres no epic armor in-game...
  23. of course it cant work in this way...casting battle heal on yourself?? ......
  24. i play on dex...it was C4, so i think it worked.... but now Interlude :(
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