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Everything posted by NoName1

  1. reported as a advertise diffrnet server say bb to mxc
  2. the rb's should be tomorrow spawning everyday ( all rb's every 24h. so i dont know why you cry about them if change to enchant rb jewlers is 90 % ) about the pasiv skill i said there have to be problem with n watch and we will fix this ... about you and you'r saying "U just killed your server! gg and hf" please dont make me laught ... i said this around 3000 times when i stary server ... IF you dont like go find another you have so much server's " www.l2topzone.net [ GO ->Find->Play] and dont make someone hard life ... you are crying like this is you'r life ... take some life too man game is not everythink i work on server as hard i can if you dont like and you want perfect server in first few days go play www.lineage2.com thats all and please do not spam in my topic btw weapon in high rate server where max is + 16 i put donate + 20 and you crying ? read what people are writing in fourm : for example nickname "Nah" anyway he is not overpower i can kill him 1vs1 .. GL
  3. too bad too bad ... he was creating around 100 chars in server L2server.pl and advertise his super " extra " server ... caling seven a gay etc. ! NICE NICE ! but why you fail ? with everythink ? tell me dark core ? you told me that you can repair skills in 3 sec ... maybe first please go to guide l2j and read " how to protect you'r server from phx " (lets start from phx ) and please man dont make me laught and stop spaming my forum <laught> becouse even a kids 9 years old wont go there . //btw if you want i can support you'r server by donation i will still laught from you :(( btw next time becouse i know that you will create a next Fail server ... so next time FIX FILES make maybe a beta test ... then think about advertise ( real advertis not trying to " stole" players from someones server ... ) or i have better idea ! Come to l2server.pl again and start spaming that your super l2darkcore is ONLINE NOW ! gogogog if you want i will spawn for you npc announcer .
  4. tatoo are not giving any bonus they are just giving small p def .
  5. ok i wil check this again today because as you know some polaks are reporting bugs that never exist or are lying to me so its hard to do everything quickly
  6. augument stone fixed cancel is casting in 3 sec and is removing MAX 2 buffs ( we will delaye casting ) doom chance is lower .
  7. online in server ... around 10 donation in server FTW : » 8 Level Clan + All Skills - 15 Euro (45LT) » Change Main Class - 5 Euro (15LT) » 20 Cross of Einhased - 5 Euro (15LT) » Hero Status (1 Month) - 10 Euro (30LT) » Rename (You can add !@#$%^&*()_+) - 5 Euro (15LT) » Dusk Shield - 5 Euro (15LT) » Zombie Shield - 5 Euro (15LT) Payment Methods: Paysafecards / SwedBank / Paypal Contacts: Skype: L2-DarkCore MSN: L2-DarkCore@hotmail.com ICQ: 617-483-071
  8. i never can meet you on msn can you be at 19:00 ? GMT+0 ?
  9. you grow up man ... i have this script and there is No problem with that ... also if somethink is working bad i report this to embass and he is fixing this in few sec... leave him alone he is trusted guy not like you ... spamming with flames about shits what never had place .
  10. @56k thats the point ... we dont want all weapons read ... ( 33% like you said ) we want maybe 10 weapons + 16 ... and thats all about balance as you know you CANT get balance in even a month. @uprising we are still working on olympiad we need to fully change the sytem of it ... but soon olympiad will be good . Also i would like to say that we run donation from today you can see it in our forum and we have fully working nwatch just to show you you can trust us ;) http://l2server.pl/web/en/
  11. we are ready to make rr now but we just want to make sure that everthink will work fine give us more time and everythink will be fixed aslo rate from 15 to 16 will be 5% ;) (max 16)
  12. hello guys we finish like 80% of skills we want them all to work well so please give us more time ... i hope today we will finish them add geodate and you will like more our server . Regards see you later .
  13. zzl.org i just seen in maxcheater post where the guy was expaling how to create web site for server and how to create server did you read it ? free domain own
  14. hello i did everythink "good" but still i have error Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 110 or Error SQL: Unknown column 'characters.charid' in 'field list' top100 pvp is working .
  15. Client : Interlude l2j Pay by : PayPal Only Custom siege : Clan who take castle on siege will get 1k "castle points " Clan who defend castle on siege will get 1.5k " castle points ' Clan who lose castle on siege will get 500 " castle points" ) So after siege , clan's who " did somethink in siege " will get reward ... the item " castle points " and then they can buy somethink for it . ( castle points should be put to cwh after siege or to clan leader ) . offer on pm or here .
  16. Can you please read this again ? What is need to do ? : i want "each 200 votes for "voteSite" like HopZone there will be auto event "
  17. who said mxc is my ? that littel "kiddo admin" is registry in in diffrent lineage 2 server's and creating posts with " come to l2experience.com " etc. etc. he is just like a noob ! and he is admin ? he dont even have respect for other admin's !! and about closing server do you know what is " Sharp booter ultimate booter created by serk " ? he is from this forum and topic is in forum as well so you can read it ... anyway i'm not gonna talk in this topic it is just giving him adv. if you want to talk pm me . //one more dont lose time for this server after 30 days server will be off by (kiddo)administrator anyway .
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