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Everything posted by Bruj4h

  1. them, any way you can tell here? xD
  2. well, I always used, l2Net with script, but now, it doesn't work, cause it dont target mob? are you meaning maybe use: "next target" ? lol :D
  3. mpj123 so you will not try to make L2Net work again at rpg-club? Well, I only used l2net, cause I dont like walker so much, and cause, I'm already customized with l2net stuff. hope, someone can make it work ... :s
  4. I was searching for everything that mpj123 could post, but didn't found nothing yet. I only use l2net, but still nothing. If anyone knows a way to make it work for l2walker, I will be glad to know about it =)
  5. no idea too :s ^^ trying to find a way =)
  6. dont try l2net is fixed too =) I used it, but now, without l2net or walker... :s no idea. x) lets see if anyone that have the knowledge to reverse that .dll, I tryed to understand it, but no clue...
  7. yeh... that would be a good add to this forum ;) I was before with L2Net working, but they installed lasterday a new antibot system, and so it doesnt work anymore :s
  8. well the program it's seems very good!! Nice work
  9. well nice post and nice work to using item to get teleport Ty for sharing
  10. ty for the guide it's seems very usefull!! nice work
  11. server without donatios it's seems very cool ^^ Let's go try to see if it's nice!!
  12. it's very cool!! ty for share
  13. nice work with that!! Ty for sharing
  14. ty for sharing nice work!!
  15. well it's seems nice trick i need to try!! Nice work
  16. gn all!!
  17. one thing who this works?
  18. ohhh let me test this ^^ Nice work and ty for sharing!!
  19. For me to play in old l2 the best server is azure gaming but it's low rate but it's great server!!
  20. Nice work and ty for sharing!!
  21. Nicwe tutorial!! Ty for all the work!!
  22. nice guide for bladedancer!! Bladedancer was my first char in L2
  23. you can use this script on L2net??!
  24. lol they are cool but i prefer with the other colors!! But nice joob and ty for sharing
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