John Lamprou
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Everything posted by John Lamprou
[Favour ;D]Need Someone to compile one pack.
John Lamprou replied to JigSAW^^'s question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
What do you mean eclipse dont works well?I use linux for three years now and eclipse always works fine What problem you have? -
[HELP]Can someone Compile My Packet?
John Lamprou replied to Todoulis's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
There are many guides that you can find how to compile.The 64 bits is the same,no difference at all.Also never trust others to compile and give you a ready serverpack. -
How to keep old modifications
John Lamprou replied to giannakislol's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
It depends on the moddifications.If sql collums from cronicle in your pack have changed you need to rewrite your customs for your pack.Its easy. The same if it is for core..But this is more complex and it depends on the mod you have and the pack you have -
msn is not the best for messages but the most popullar,good looking and easy to use.There are many chat programs much better than msn
//offtopic Twra p pes oti exeis mac pc se sibathisa perisotero.An den eixa kolima me mac mporei na endiaferomoun gt eine poli kalo mixanima..... Kali tixi pados:P
Just some info.We will not be a simple another warez forum and ect...We will also have our developing teams for many things like hacks,programs and many others.Also except from common flash games i will create new ones like a flash web mmo game,racing games and ect just for fun.:P Finally we think to create in the future if we have of course enough members,sites like youtube,imagehack or even our own linux l2j server distribution based on linux kernel and gnome gui.(This distribution will be for l2j servers owners because will have auto updater that will download l2j or l2jfree source and it will compile it self and of course it will save the source if you want to change something.Also it will have all require tools for l2j development and it will have only the basic programs to consume less ram and cpu usage..In the many future of course because it needs members,c++ devs,graphical designers,time and ect....)
Of course dedicate solution is better but is expensive and risky.I mean that if you want to start a forum you buy a vps.Then if you have many members you choose a dedicate.Thats my opinion.
Anti-Hack Program
John Lamprou replied to Assassina's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
first.Use bake ice for l2j second.If you change pack you will not loose your players.Just make an update db with syncronaization if you want to change -
Yes l2off is more stable than l2j but not exactly 100% correct.I mean the stability depends on many things.A developer pr experience user can work on l2j source and after some time succeed to make it stable and run smoothy...But however l2j is build with a method that in my opinion is not correct.I mean all we know c++ is better so why they make it in java?However is not java fault but developers.They want only features and not stability.The same for a users.I will give an example.If l2jfree now say we stop develop and we start to make our source stable and correct things to make it better and this will take from 6 month to 1 year.Well almost all users will left l2jfree and go to another team Finally i dont understand why l2j devs use xml db than lua
Well as i see some of you speak without know.L2j servers can hadle 800-100 ppl with a stable pack good pc and stable java and mysql versions I mean even if you have 8gb ram o 16 is the same because l2j is not use some much...... Also for mysql use 5.1 not 6... Intel quad core required for high amount of players 2-3x hard dics 15k rpm or at least 10k and 10 mbit or 100 mbit internet connection.Even if you have 10 or 100 is the same but must be premium...... Also you must config some mysql settings.... And finaly you can make many changes in the cpre to hadle more than 1k ppl
Web site change to greek digital radio sponsored by two companies.All greeks can login and have fun with best music
Yes i know thats why i didnt compile and share.When i have time i will commit the ct1 packets including handling cp pots and duel... Also for java,java is not unstable,lol first learn something and then post.L2J Servers are unstable but not cause of java but of tactic of l2jdevelopers.Theprefer features than the stability and performance.I mean in the start of develop l2j they comit some errors as all projects.These errors may work as retail but with lag so devs didnt fix them but develop other new features THats why l2j is unstable.Not java.Most off Mmmo server official are in java because its very stable,it have superb performance and its easy than c++(c++ much better but more difficult)
Well sorry i missunderstanding.Thanks for your offer but i know very well c++ And again sorry i didnt understand well....
Well in the first post of blane there a link called svn.Here is the source code.To see the changes go to trac.See first post.Also blane made a mistake.He is not a developer i am and i looking for other to help me finish the project..... Also scorpius what do you mean with your post?At least i make something and share it.But you only use someone other work.Thats the difference
Lol,please dont post idiot things......Read what Blane say that i told him to say to you
Welcome to GNBot ¶ GNBot is an opensource project based on fox bot.This program gives you the ability to auto exp in your favourate Lineage2 Servers GNBot is written in pure java for best compability to work 100% on L2JServers.But L2FBot works on official servers too We dont have any rensposibility if a gm caught you and ban you.Use it at your own risk.... GNBot is distributed under the terms of GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE in a hope that open source model is the best for developping quality software giving everyone a possibility to participate on development by submitting the code. Soon we will have our forum and irc for support Our project needs more developers.Send your aplication at:jlamprou@hotmail.com Enjoy! Svn:http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/GNBot/ Trac:http://trac2.assembla.com/GNBot/wiki Project is the begginning so dont wait more..at this time... Developers:EzEraL(ME), and Ns
This is very old exploit that work on interlude at the first revs.However there are plenty of bugs in L2J kamael and a huge bug in interlude only in L2JFRee..In servers that use L2JFree interlude latest rev there is a bug in enchant.I dont say the bug because i am working on l2jservers and i dont agree with exploits and ect.....But some users know the bug too especially if the use l2jfree
Ok i fix the site guys.Some parameters and thx freehostia for support.Me and blane planning to add more than 3gb guides in this week so stay tune and plz post in forum requests with everything you want Soon also we will have our sharing center that we will share programms,games and ect....
Kotor 1 and kotor2 were the best not online rgp games ever.You can see and the statistics.Kotor one and 2 awarded as the best games in the age that they released
[HOWTO] Change Max Level
John Lamprou replied to John Lamprou's topic in Server Development Discussion [L2OFF]
Its not mine.It was share in pp by micrabben7.But it is easy man.LoL -
wellwhy some ppl dont search.I just looking for fun a l2j server and i see a interlude called l2prinox and he has one of the first revs of interlude.Full bugs and i stole gm account and close it.Then when he open it i close it again.Lol.........................( noobs server owner
Note this tread is for professonal or devs.You need to know java or c++ or both to understand Apologists of Java and C++ can argue for hours proving each other that their programming language is the best one. Java people will tell that their programs are clearer and less prone to errors, while C++ people will laugh at their inability to instantiate an array of generics or tell them that their programs are slow and have long source code. Another issue that Java and C++ people could never agree on is identifier naming. In Java a multiword identifier is constructed in the following manner: the first word is written starting from the small letter, and the following ones are written starting from the capital letter, no separators are used. All other letters are small. Examples of a Java identifier are javaIdentifier, longAndMnemonicIdentifier, name, nEERC. Unlike them, C++ people use only small letters in their identifiers. To separate words they use underscore character ‘_’. Examples of C++ identifiers are c_identifier, long_and_mnemonic_identifier, name (you see that when there is just one word Java and C++ people agree), n_e_e_r_c. You are writing a translator that is intended to translate C++ programs to Java or the opposite. Of course, identifiers in the translated program must be formatted due to its language rules — otherwise people will never like your translator. The first thing you would like to write is an identifier translation routine. Given an identifier, it would detect whether it is Java identifier or C++ identifier and translate it to another dialect. If it is neither, then your routine should report an error. Translation must preserve the order of words and must only change the case of letters and/or add/remove underscores. Input The input file consists of one line that contains an identifier. It consists of letters of the English alphabet and underscores. Its length does not exceed 100. Output If the input identifier is Java identifier, output its C++ version. If it is C++ identifier, output its Java version. If it is none, output “Error! instead. Sample Input sample input #1 long_and_mnemonic_identifier sample input #2 anotherExample sample input #3 i sample input #4 bad_Style Sample Output sample output #1 longAndMnemonicIdentifier sample output #2 another_example sample output #3 i sample output #4 Error! I know both and i prefer c++.Much better cleaner.But asm ftw
My favourate games are: 1)Star wars galaxies before buy sony 2)Star wars force uleashed(i am beta tester) 3)rfactor racing simulator 4)Pro evolution soccer 2008 5)Lineage2